Introduction to SCADA, control center, digital computer configuration, automatic generation control, area control error, operation without central computers, expression for tie-line flow and frequency deviation, parallel operation of generators, area lumped dynamic model.
Automatic voltage regulator, automatic load frequency control, A VR control loops of generators, performance of A VR, ALFC of single area systems, concept of control area, multi-area systems, POOL operation-two area systems, tie-line bias control.
Introduction, generation and absorption of reactive power, relation between voltage, power and reactive power at a node, single machine infinite bus systems, methods of voltage control, sub synchronous resonance, voltage stability, voltage collapse.
Optimal system operation with thermal plants, incremental production cost for steam power plants, analytical form of generating cost of thermal plants, constraints in economic operation, flow chart, transmission loss as a function of plant generation, the B-coefficients, examples.
Statement of the problem, need and importance of unit commitment, methods-priority lists method, dynamic programming method, constraints, spinning reserve, and examples.
Introduction, factors affecting power system security, power system contingency analysis, detection of network problems, network sensitivity methods, calculation of network sensitivity factor, cotingency ranking.