Introduction, concept of state, state variables and state model, state modeling of linear systems, linearization of state equations. State space representation using physical variables, phase variables & canonical variables.
Derivation of transfer function from state model, diagolization, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, generalized Eigen vectors.
Solution of state equation, state transition matrix and its properties, computation using Laplace transformation, power series method, Cayley-Hamilton method, concept of controllability & observability,methods of determining the same.
stability improvements by state feedback, necessary & sufficient conditions for arbitrary pole placement, state regulator design, and design of state observer, Controllers- P,PI, PID.
Introduction, behavior of non-linear system, common physical non linearity-saturation,friction, backlash, dead zone, relay, multi variable non-linearity.
Phase plane method, singular points, stability of nonlinear system, limit cycles, construction of phase trajectories.
Liapunov stability criteria, Liapunov functions, direct method of Liapunov & the linear system, Hurwitz criterion & Liapunov’s direct method, construction of Liapunov functions for nonlinear system by Krasvskii’s method.