Fuzzy sets, Properties of fuzzy sets, operation in fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, the extension principle.
THEORY OF APPROXIMATE REASONING: Linguistic variables, Fuzzy proportions, Fuzzy if- then statements, inference rules, compositional rule of inference. NON-LINEAR FUZZY CONTROL: FKBC as a linear transient element, PID like FKBC, sliding mode FKBC, Sugeno FKBC.
THEORY OF APPROXIMATE REASONING: Linguistic variables, Fuzzy proportions, Fuzzy if- then statements, inference rules, compositional rule of inference. NON-LINEAR FUZZY CONTROL: FKBC as a linear transient element, PID like FKBC, sliding mode FKBC, Sugeno FKBC.
Basic concept structure of FKBC, choice of membership functions, scaling factors, rules, fuzzyfication and defuzzyfication procedures. Simple applications of FKBC (washing machines, traffic regulations, lift control, aircraft landing Control etc).
Process performance monitoring, adaption mechanisms, membership functions, tuning using gradient descent and performance criteria. Set organizing controller model based controller.