Introduction, physical structure and sparsity, pivoting, conservation of sparsity by optimal ordering of buses, schemes for ordering, UD table storage scheme.
What is AI? Definitions, history and evolution, essential abilities of intelligence, AI applications; Problem solving: problem characteristics, problem search strategies, forward and backward reasoning, AND-OR graphs, game trees, search methods- informed and uninformed search, breadth first search and depth first search methods.
logical formalisms: propositional and predicate logic: syntax and semantics, wffs, clause form expressions, resolution- use of RRTs for proofs and answers, examples from electric power systems, Non-monotonic logic: TMS, modal, temporal and fuzzy logic.
ISA/ISPART trees, semantic nets, frames and scripts, examples from electric systems.
Basic components, forward and backward chaining, ES features, ES development, ES categories, ES tools and examples from electric drive systems.
LisP and ProLog - Introduction, sample segments, LisP primitives, list manipulation functions, function predicates, variables, iteration and recursion, property lists, sample programs for examples from electric power systems.