15EE32 Electric Circuit Analysis syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Basic Concepts 10 hours

Basic Concepts:
Active and passive elements, Concept of ideal and practical sources.Source transformation and Source shifting, Concept of Super Mesh and Super nodeanalysis. Analysis of networks by (i) Network reduction method including star – deltatransformation (ii) Mesh and Node voltage methods for ac and dc circuits with independentand dependent sources. Equilibrium equations using KCL and KVL, Duality.
Resonant Circuits:
Analysis of simple series RLC and parallel RLC circuits underresonances. Resonant frequency, Bandwidth and Quality factor at resonance. Practical RLRCcircuits.∎

Module-2 Network Theorems 10 hours

Network Theorems:
Analysis of networks with and without dependent ac and dc sourcesby Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Analysis of ac and dc circuits for maximum powertransfer to resistive and complex loads. Application of Millman’s theorem and SuperPosition theorem to multisource networks. Reciprocity theorem and its application. ∎

Module-3 Transient Analysis 10 hours

Transient Analysis:
Review of ordinary linear nonhomogeneous first and second orderdifferential equations with constant coefficients. Transient analysis of dc circuits byclassical method for unit step input only. Behaviour of circuit elements under switchingaction  = 0 and  = ∞. Evaluation of initial conditions.

Module-4 Laplace Transformation 10 hours

Laplace Transformation:
Laplace transformation (LT), LT of Impulse, Step, Ramp,Sinusoidal signals and shifted functions. Waveform synthesis. Initial and Final valuetheorems. Laplace Transform of network and time domain solution for RL, RC and RLCnetworks for ac and dc excitations.

Module-5 Unbalanced Three phase systems 10 hours

Unbalanced Three phase systems:
Analysis of three phase systems, calculation of realand reactive powers.
Two Port networks:
Definition, Open circuit impedance, Short circuit admittance andTransmission parameters and their evaluation for simple circuits. Network functions of oneport and two port networks, Properties of poles and zeros of network functions.
Complex Wave analysis:
Analysis of simple circuits with non-sinusoidal excitation.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023