Diode Circuits: Review of diodes as rectifiers (No question shall be set from reviewportion). Diode clipping and clamping circuits.Transistor biasing and stabilization: Operating point, Analysis and design of fixed biascircuit, Self-bias circuit, Emitter stabilized bias circuit, Voltage divider bias circuit, Stabilityfactor of different biasing circuits. Problems.Transistor switching circuits: Transistor switching circuits, PNP transistors, Thermalcompensation techniques.
Transistor at low frequencies: BJT transistor modelling, CE fixed bias configuration,voltage divider bias, Emitter follower, CB configuration, Collector feedback configuration,analysis using h – parameter model, Relation between h – parameters model of CE, CC andCB modes, Millers theorem and its dual.Transistor frequency response: General frequency considerations, Low frequencyresponse, Miller effect capacitance, High frequency response, Multistage frequency effects.
Multistage amplifiers: Cascade and cascode connections, Darlington circuits, Analysis anddesign.Feedback amplifiers: Feedback concept, Different types, Practical feedback circuits,Analysis and design of feedback circuits.
Power amplifiers: Amplifier types, Analysis and design of different power amplifiers,Distortion in power amplifiers.Oscillators: Principle of operation, Analysis and derivation of frequency of oscillation ofphase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, RF and crystal oscillator and frequencystability.
FETs: Construction, Working and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET. Biasing of JFETand MOSFET, Analysis and design JFET (Only common source configuration with fixedbias) and MOSFET amplifiers.