Units and Dimensions: Review of fundamental and derived units. SI units (No questionshall be set from the review portion).Dimensional equations, problems.Measurement of Resistance: Wheatstone’s bridge, Sensitivity, Limitations. Kelvin’sdouble bridge. Earth resistance measurement by fall of potential method and by usingMegger.Measurement of Inductance and Capacitance: Sources and detectors, Maxwell’sinductance bridge, Maxwell’s inductance and capacitance bridge, Hay’s bridge, Anderson’sbridge, Desauty’s bridge, Schering bridge. Shielding of bridges. Problems.
Measurement of Power, Energy, Power factor and Frequency: Review of Dynamometerwattmeter construction and operation (No question shall be set from the review portions),Torque expression, Errors and minimization, UPF and LPF wattmeters. Measurements ofreal and reactive power in 3 phase circuits.Review of Induction type energy meter construction and operation (No question shall be setfrom the review portions)].Errors, adjustments and calibration of single and three phase energy meters, Problems.Construction and operation of single-phase and three phase dynamometer type power factormeter. Weston frequency meter and phase sequence indicator.
Extension of Instrument Ranges: Desirable features of ammeters and voltmeters. Shuntsand multipliers. Construction and theory of instrument transformers, Desirablecharacterises, Errors of CT and PT. Turns compensation, Illustrative examples, Silsbee’smethod of testing CT.Magnetic measurements: Introduction, Measurement of flux/ flux density, Magnetisingforce and leakage factor. Hopkinson permeameter. Measurement of iron loss by wattmetermethod. A brief discussion on measurement of air gap flux and field strength.∎
Electronic and digital Instruments: Introduction. Essentials of electronic instruments,Advantages of electronic instruments. True rms reading voltmeter. Electronic multimeters.Digital voltmeters (DVM) - Ramp type DVM, Integrating type DVM, Continuous – balanceDVM and Successive - approximation DVM. Q meter. Principle of working of electronicenergy meter (block diagram treatment), Extra features offered by present day meters andtheir significance in billing.∎
Display Devices: Introduction, Character formats, Segment displays, Dot matrix displays,Bar graph displays. Cathode ray tubes, Light emitting diodes, Liquid crystal displays,Nixes, Incandescent, Fluorescent, Liquid vapour and Visual displays. Display multiplexingand zero suppression.Recording Devices: Introduction, Strip chart recorders, Galvanometer recorders, Nullbalance recorders, Potentiometer type recorders, Bridge type recorders, LVDT typerecorders, Circular chart and X – Y recorders. Magnetic tape recorders, Direct recording,Frequency modulation recording, Pulse duration modulation recording, Digital taperecording, Ultraviolet recorders. Biomedical recorders, Electro Cardio Graph (ECG),Electroencephalograph, Electromyograph9. Noise in reproduction.