15EE51 Management and Entrepreneurship syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 10 hours

Management: Definition, Importance – Nature and Characteristics of Management, Management Functions, Roles of Manager, Levels of Management, Managerial Skills, Management & Administration, Management as a Science, Art & Profession- Development of Management Thought - Early Management Approaches, Modern Management Approaches.

Planning: Nature, Importance and Purpose Of Planning, Types of Plans, Steps in Planning, Limitations of Planning, Decision Making – Meaning, Types of Decisions- Steps in Decision Making.

Module-2 10 hours

Organizing and Staffing: Meaning, Nature and Characteristics of Organization – Process of Organization, Principles of Organization, Departmentalisation, Committees –meaning, Types of Committees, Centralization Vs Decentralization of Authority and Responsibility, Span of Control (Definition only), MBO and MBE (Meaning only). Nature and Importance of Staffing, Process of Selection and Recruitment. (Text 1)

Directing and Controlling: Meaning and Nature of Directing-Leadership Styles (Autocratic, Democratic and Free-Rein), Motivation Theories (Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory), Communication – Meaning and Importance, Coordination- Meaning and Importance, Techniques of Coordination. Controlling – Meaning, Steps in Controlling – Need for Control System, Benefits of Control, Essentials of Effective Control System. (Text 1)

Module-3 10 hours

Social Responsibilities of Business: Meaning of Social Responsibility, Social Responsibilities of Business towards Different Groups, Social Audit, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. (Text 1)

Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Structure and Process, Characteristics of Entrepreneurs, Qualities of Entrepreneurs, Classification of Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneur – An Emerging Class, Comparison between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur, Functions of Entrepreneurs, Concept of Entrepreneurship, Phases of Entrepreneurship and its Barriers. Conceptual Model of Entrepreneurship, Stages in Entrepreneurial Process; Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. (Text 2)

Module-4 10 hours

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME): Introduction, Role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Concepts and Definitions of MSME, Growth and Development of MSME in India, Current Schemes for MSME, Problems facing the MSME Sector, Recent Government Policy Initiatives, Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on SSI, Impact of WTO/GATT on SSIs, Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition only). (Text 3)

Institutional Support for Business Enterprises: Introduction, Policies & Schemes of Central–Level Institutions, State-Level Institutions, Other Institutions. (Text 3)

Module-5 10 hours

Project Management: Meaning of Project, Project Objectives & Characteristics, Project Identification- Meaning & Importance; Project Life Cycle, Project Scheduling, Capital Budgeting, Generating an Investment Project Proposal, Project Report-Need and Significance of Report, Contents, Formulation, Project Analysis-Market Analysis, Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Economic Analysis, Ecological Analysis, Project Evaluation and Selection, Project Financing, Project Implementation Phase, Human & Administrative aspects of Project Management, Prerequisites for Successful Project Implementation. (Text 3)

Network Analysis: Need and Importance of Network Techniques, Steps, Advantages and Limitations of PERT and CPM. (Text 2)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023