15EE563 Renewable Energy Sources syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Introduction: Causes of Energy Scarcity, Solution to Energy Scarcity, Factors Affecting Energy Resource Development, Energy Resources and Classification, Renewable Energy – Worldwide Renewable Energy Availability, Renewable Energy in India.

Energy from Sun: Sun- earth Geometric Relationship, Layer of the Sun, Earth – Sun Angles and their Relationships, Solar Energy Reaching the Earth’s Surface, Solar Thermal Energy Applications

Module-2 8 hours

Solar Thermal Energy Collectors: Types of Solar Collectors, Configurations of Certain Practical Solar Thermal Collectors, Material Aspects of Solar Collectors, Concentrating Collectors, Parabolic Dish – Stirling Engine System, Working of Stirling or Brayton Heat Engine, Solar Collector Systems into Building Services, Solar Water Heating Systems, Passive Solar Water Heating Systems, Applications of Solar Water Heating Systems, Active Solar Space Cooling, Solar Air Heating, Solar Dryers, Crop Drying, Space Cooing, Solar Cookers, Solar pond.

Solar Cells: Components of Solar Cell System, Elements of Silicon Solar Cell, Solar Cell materials, Practical Solar Cells, I – V Characteristics of Solar Cells, Efficiency of Solar Cells, Photovoltaic Panels, Applications of Solar Cell Systems

Module-3 8 hours

Hydrogen Energy: Benefits of Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Production Technologies, Hydrogen Energy Storage, Use of Hydrogen Energy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Energy, Problems Associated with Hydrogen Energy.

Wind Energy: Windmills, Wind Turbines, Wind Resources, Wind Turbine Site Selection.

Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Systems, Classifications, Geothermal Resource Utilization, Resource Exploration, Geothermal Based Electric Power Generation, Associated Problems, environmental Effects

Solid waste and Agricultural Refuse: Waste is Wealth, Key Issues, Waste Recovery Management Scheme, Advantages and Disadvantages of Waste Recycling, Sources and Types of Waste, Recycling of Plastics

Module-4 8 hours

Biomass Energy: Biomass Production, Energy Plantation, Biomass Gasification, Theory of Gasification, Gasifier and Their Classifications, Chemistry of Reaction Process in Gasification, Updraft, Downdraft and Cross-draft Gasifiers, Fluidized Bed Gasification, Use of Biomass Gasifier, Gasifier Biomass Feed Characteristics, Applications of Biomass Gasifier, Cooling and Cleaning of Gasifiers.

Biogas Energy: Introduction, Biogas and its Composition, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas Production, Benefits of Biogas, Factors Affecting the Selection of a Particular Model of a Biogas Plant, Biogas Plant Feeds and their Characteristics.

Tidal Energy: Introduction, Tidal Energy Resource, Tidal Energy Availability, Tidal Power Generation in India, Leading Country in Tidal Power Plant Installation, Energy Availability in Tides, Tidal Power Basin, Turbines for Tidal Power, Advantages and Disadvantages of Tidal Power, Problems Faced in Exploiting Tidal Energy

Module-5 8 hours

Sea Wave Energy: Introduction, Motion in the sea Waves, Power Associated with Sea Waves, Wave Energy Availability, Devices for Harnessing Wave Energy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Wave Power.

Ocean Thermal Energy: Introduction, Principles of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plants, Basic Rankine Cycle and its Working, Closed Cycle, Open Cycle and Hybrid Cycle, Carnot Cycle, Application of OTEC in Addition to Produce Electricity, Advantages, Disadvantages and Benefits of OTEC

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023