15EE564 Business Communication syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Analyse Communication Purpose and Audience: How to Learn, How Engineers Are Persuaded, Speak or Write: Select the Right Communication Channel, Consider Your Communication Purpose and Audience.

Projecting the Image of the Engineering Profession: Overcome Anxiety, Primary Impact: Nonverbal Body Language, Secondary Impact: Control Vocal Quality, Volume, And Pace, Optimize Presentation Environment.

Presentation Aids: Engineering: The Real da Vinci Code, Speaking Visually—Guidelines for Using Presentation Aids, Choosing among Options, Creating Visuals with Impact, Delivering with Visuals.

Module-2 8 hours

Organize Your Talk: Planning Your Talk, Conducting an Audience Analysis: 39 Questions, Organizing Your Talk in Seven Easy Stages, Getting Attention and Keeping Interest, Five Minutes Early - Time Management for Your Presentation, Delivering Your Introduction, Presenting Your Conclusion.

Handling Audience Response: Create the Environment, Handle with C.A.R.E, Deal with Hostile Questions, Deal with Other Types of Questions, Control the Q&A Session, Thinking on Your Feet.

Organizing for Emphasis: Make our Bottom Line the Top Line, Purpose Statement and Blueprints, Open Long Reports with a Summary, Use More Topic Sentences, Develop Headings, Structure Vertical Lists

Module-3 8 hours

Write As If Talking to Your Engineering Associates: Use Personal Pronouns, Rely on Everyday Words, Use Short Spoken Transitions, Keep Sentences Short, Reach Out to Your Engineering Readers by Asking Questions, 5 Whys-A Technique for Engineering Problem Solving.

Trim Your Expressions: Introduction, Prune Wordy Expressions, Use Strong Verbs, Cut Doublings and Noun Strings, Eliminate Unnecessary Determiners and Modifiers, Change Phrases into Single Words, Change Unnecessary Clauses into Phrases or Single Words, Avoid Overusing “It is” and “There is”, Eight Steps for Lean Writing.

Write Actively—Engineering is about Actions: Active Voice: “Albert Einstein Wrote the Theory of Relativity”, How to Recognize the Passive Voice, How to Write Actively - Use Three Cures, Write Passively for Good Reasons Only, Theory of Completed Staff Work

Module-4 8 hours

Every day Engineering Communications -E-Mails, Phone Calls, and Memos: Effective E-mail Writing: Seven Things to Remember, How to Be Productive on the Phone, “Memos Solve Problems”.

Visuals for Engineering Presentation - Engineers Think in Pictures: Optimize Slide Layout, Display Engineering Data Effectively, How to Develop Effective Graphics.

Write Winning Grant Proposals: Know Your Audience, Understand Your Goal and Marketing Strategy, Select the Correct Writing Style, Organize Your Proposal around the Four Ps, A Brief Checklist before Submitting Your Proposal

Module-5 8 hours

How to Effectively Prepare Engineering Reports: Writing an Effective Progress Report, Develop Informative Design Reports.

Listening Interactive Communication about Engineering Risk: Listening – A Forgotten Risk Communication Skill Listening – Harder Than Speaking and Writing, How to Listen to Voice of Customers about Risk, Listen Attentively: Understanding What Drives Perceived Risk, Thirteen Questions about Risk Communication

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023