15EE61 Control Systems syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to control systems 10 hours

Introduction to control systems: Introduction, classification of control systems.


Mathematical models of physical systems: Modelling of mechanical system elements, electrical systems, Analogous systems, Transfer function, Single input single output systems, Procedure for deriving transfer functions, servomotors, synchros, gear trains.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Module-2 Block diagram 10 hours

Block diagram: Block diagram of a closed loop system, procedure for drawing block diagram and block diagram reduction to find transfer function.


Signal flow graphs: Construction of signal flow graphs, basic properties of signal flow graph, signal flow graph algebra, construction of signal flow graph for control systems.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Module-3 Time Domain Analysis 10 hours

Time Domain Analysis: Standard test signals, time response of first order systems, time response of second order systems, steady state errors and error constants, types of control systems.


Routh Stability criterion: BIBO stability, Necessary conditions for stability, Routh stability criterion, difficulties in formulation of Routh table, application of Routh stability criterion to linear feedback systems, relative stability analysis. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing, L5 – Evaluating.

Module-4 Root locus technique 10 hours

Root locus technique: Introduction, root locus concepts, construction of root loci, rules for the construction of root locus.


Frequency Response analysis: Co-relation between time and frequency response – 2nd order systems only.


Bode plots: Basic factors G(iw)/H(jw), General procedure for constructing bode plots, computation of gain margin and phase margin. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing

Module-5 Nyquist plot 10 hours

Nyquist plot: Principle of argument, Nyquist stability criterion, assessment of relative stability using Nyquist criterion.


Design of Control Systems: Introduction, Design with the PD Controller, Design with the PI Controller, Design with the PID Controller, Design with Phase-Lead Controller, Design with Phase - Lag Controller, Design with Lead-Lag Controller.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023