15EE653 Energy Audit and Demand side Management syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Energy Scenarios 8 hours

Energy Scenarios: Energy Conservation, Energy Audit, Energy Scenarios, Energy Consumption, Energy Security, Energy Strategy, Clean Development Mechanism.


Types of Energy Audits and Energy-Audit Methodology: Definition of Energy Audit, Place of Audit, Energy – Audit Methodology, Financial Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Project Financing Options, Energy Monitoring and Training.


Survey Instrumentation: Electrical Measurement, Thermal Measurement, Light Measurement, Speed Measurement, Data Logger and Data – Acquisition System, Thermal Basis. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing.

Module-2 Energy Audit of Boilers 8 hours

Energy Audit of Boilers: Classification of Boilers, Parts of Boiler, Efficiency of a Boiler, Role of excess Air in Boiler Efficiency, Energy Saving Methods.


Energy Audit of Furnaces: Parts of a Furnace, classification of Furnaces, Energy saving Measures in Furnaces, Furnace Efficiency.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing ,

Module-3 Energy Audit of HVAC Systems 8 hours

Energy Audit of HVAC Systems: Introduction to HVAC, Components of Air – Conditioning System, Types of Air – Conditioning Systems, Human Comfort Zone and Psychrometry, Vapour – Compression Refrigeration Cycle, Energy Use Indices, Impact of Refrigerants on Environment and Global Warming, Energy – Saving Measures in HVAC, Star Rating and Labelling by BEE.


Electrical-Load Management: Electrical Basics, Electrical Load Management, Variable- Frequency Drives, Harmonics and its Effects, Electricity Tariff, Power Factor, Transmission and Distribution Losses.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing

Module-4 Energy Audit of Motors 8 hours

Energy Audit of Motors: Classification of Motors, Parameters related to Motors, Efficiency of a Motor, Energy Conservation in Motors, BEE Star Rating and Labelling.


Energy Audit of Lighting Systems:Fundamentals of Lighting, Different Lighting Systems, Ballasts, Fixtures (Luminaries), Reflectors, Lenses and Louvres, Lighting Control Systems, Lighting System Audit, Energy Saving Opportunities. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing

Module-5 Energy Audit Applied to Buildings 8 hours

Energy Audit Applied to Buildings: Energy – Saving Measures in New Buildings, Water Audit, Method of Audit, General Energy – Savings Tips Applicable to New as well as Existing Buildings.


Demand side Management: Scope of DSM, Evolution of DSM concept, DSM planning and Implementation, Load management as a DSM strategy, Applications of Load Control, End use energy conservation, Tariff options for DSM, customer acceptance, implementation issues, Implementation strategies, DSM and Environment.


Energy Conservation: Motivation of energy conservation, Principles of Energy conservation, Energy conservation planning, Energy conservation in industries, EC in SSI, EC in electrical generation, transmission and distribution, EC in household and commercial sectors, EC in transport, EC in agriculture, EC legislation.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3 - Applying, L4 - Analysing

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023