15EE743 Carbon Capture and Storage syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours


The Carbon Cycle, Mitigating Growth of The Atmospheric Carbon Inventory, The Process of Technology Innovation.


Overview of carbon capture and storage:

Carbon Capture, Carbon Storage.


Power generation fundamentals:

Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Fossil-Fueled Power Plant, Combined Cycle Power Generation, Future Developments in Power-Generation Technology.

Module-2 Carbon capture from power generation 8 hours

Carbon capture from power generation:

Introduction, Pre-combustion Capture, Post-combustion Capture, Oxy- fuel Combustion Capture, Chemical Looping Capture Systems, Capture-Ready and Retrofit Power Plant, Approaches to Zero-Emission Power Generation.


Carbon capture from industrial processes:

Cement Production, Steel Production, Oil Refining, Natural Gas Processing.


Absorption capture systems:

Chemical and Physical Fundamentals, Absorption Applications in Post Combustion Capture, Absorption Technology RD & D Status.

Module-3 Adsorption capture systems 8 hours

Adsorption capture systems:

Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Adsorption Process Applications, Adsorption Technology RD&D Status. References and Resources.


Membrane separation systems:

Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Membrane Configuration and Preparation and Module Construction, Membrane Technology RD&D Status, Membrane Applications in Pre-combustion Capture, Membrane and Molecular Sieve Applications in Oxy-fuel Combustion, Membrane Applications in Post-combustion CO2 Separation, Membrane Applications in Natural Gas Processing

Module-4 Cryogenic and distillation systems 8 hours

Cryogenic and distillation systems:

Physical Fundamentals, Distillation column configuration and operation, Cryogenic oxygen production for oxy-fuel combustion, Ryan–Holmes process for CO2 – CH4 separation, RD&D in cryogenic and distillation technologies.


Mineral carbonation:

Physical and chemical fundamentals, Current state of technology development, Demonstration and deployment outlook.


Geological storage:

Introduction, Geological and engineering fundamentals, Enhanced oil recovery, Saline aquifer storage, Other geological storage options.

Module-5 Ocean storage 8 hours

Ocean storage:

Introduction, Physical, chemical, and biological fundamentals, Direct CO2 injection, Chemical sequestration, Biological sequestration,


Storage in terrestrial ecosystems:

Introduction, Biological and chemical fundamentals, Terrestrial carbon storage options, Full GHG accounting for terrestrial storage, Current R&D focus in terrestrial storage.


Other sequestration and use options:

Enhanced industrial usage, Algal biofuel production.


Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Discuss the impacts of climate change and the measures that can be taken to reduce emissions.
  • Discuss carbon capture and carbon storage.  Explain the fundamentals of power generation.
  • Explain methods of carbon capture from power generation and industrial processes.
  • Explain different carbon storage methods: storage in coal seams, depleted gas reservoirs and saline formations.
  • Explain Carbon dioxide compression and pipeline transport.


Graduate Attributes (As per NBA)

Engineering Knowledge


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 16 marks.
  • There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full question) from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Carbon Capture and Storage Stephen A. Rackley Elsevier 2010

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023