15EE754 Industrial Heating syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Industrial Heating Processes 8 hours

Industrial Heating Processes:

Industrial Process Heating Furnaces, Classifications of Furnaces, Elements of Furnace Construction.


Heat Transfer in Industrial Furnaces:

Heat Required for Load and Furnace, Flow of Heat Within the Charged Load, Heat Transfer to the Charged Load Surface, Determining Furnace Gas Exit Temperature, Thermal Interaction in Furnaces, Temperature Uniformity, Turndown.

Module-2 Heating Capacity of Batch Furnaces 8 hours

Heating Capacity of Batch Furnaces:

Definition of Heating Capacity, Effect of Rate of Heat Liberation, Effect of Rate of Heat Absorption by the Load, Effect of Load Arrangement, Effect of Load Thickness, Vertical Heating, Batch Indirect-Fired Furnaces, Batch Furnace Heating Capacity Practice, Controlled Cooling in or After Batch Furnaces.

Module-3 Heating Capacity of Continuous Furnaces 8 hours

Heating Capacity of Continuous Furnaces:

Continuous Furnaces Compared to Batch Furnaces, Continuous Dryers, Ovens, and Furnaces for <1400 F (<760 C), Continuous Midrange Furnaces, 1200 to 1800 F (650 to 980 C), Sintering and Pelletizing Furnaces, Axial Continuous Furnaces for Above 2000 F (1260 C), Continuous Furnaces for 1900 to 2500 F (1038 to 1370 C), Continuous Liquid Heating Furnaces.

Module-4 Saving Energy in Industrial Furnace Systems 8 hours

Saving Energy in Industrial Furnace Systems:

Furnace Efficiency, Methods for Saving Heat, Heat Distribution in a Furnace, Furnace, Kiln, and Oven Heat Losses, Heat Saving in Direct-Fired LowTemperature Ovens, Saving Fuel in Batch Furnaces, Saving Fuel in Continuous Furnaces, Effect of Load Thickness on Fuel Economy, Saving Fuel in Reheat Furnaces, Fuel Consumption Calculation, Fuel Consumption Data for Various Furnace Types, Energy Conservation by Heat Recovery from Flue Gases, Energy Costs of Pollution Control.

Module-5 Operation and Control of Industrial Furnaces 8 hours

Operation and Control of Industrial Furnaces:

Burner and Flame Types, Location, Flame Fitting, Unwanted NOx Formation, Controls and Sensors- Care, Location, Zones, Air/Fuel Ratio Control, Furnace Pressure Control Turndown Ratio, Furnace Control Data Needs, Soaking Pit Heating Control, Uniformity Control in Forge Furnaces, Continuous Reheat Furnace Control.


Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Explain construction, classification of industrial furnaces
  • Discuss the methods of heat transfer in industrial furnaces.
  • Discuss heating capacity of batch furnaces and continuous furnaces
  • Discuss methods of saving energy in industrial furnace systems and fuel consumption calculation.
  • Explain operation and control of industrial furnaces.


Graduate Attributes (As per NBA)

Engineering Knowledge, Problem Analysis, Design/ Development of Solutions, Conduct investigations of complex problems.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 16 marks.
  • There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full question) from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Industrial Furnaces W. Trinks Wiley 6 th Edition, 2004

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023