15EE831 Smart Grid syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Smart Grid Architectural Designs 10 hours

Smart Grid Architectural Designs: Introduction, Today’s Grid versus the Smart Grid, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: Rationale for the Smart Grid, Computational Intelligence, Power System Enhancement, Communication and Standards, Environment and Economics, General View of the Smart Grid Market Drivers, Stakeholder Roles and Function, Working Definition of the Smart Grid Based on Performance Measures, Representative Architecture, Functions of Smart Grid Components.


Smart Grid Communications and Measurement Technology: Communication and Measurement, Monitoring, PMU, Smart Meters, and Measurements Technologies, GIS and Google Mapping Tools, Multiagent Systems (MAS) Technology, Microgrid and Smart Grid Comparison.


Performance Analysis Tools for Smart Grid Design: Introduction to Load Flow Studies, Challenges to Load Flow in Smart Grid and Weaknesses of the Present Load Flow Methods, Load Flow State of the Art: Classical, Extended Formulations, and Algorithms, Congestion Management Effect, Load Flow for Smart Grid Design, DSOPF Application to the Smart Grid, Static Security Assessment (SSA) and Contingencies, Contingencies and Their Classification, Contingency Studies for the Smart Grid.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying.

Module-2 Stability Analysis Tools for Smart Grid 8 hours

Stability Analysis Tools for Smart Grid: Introduction to Stability, Strengths and Weaknesses of Existing Voltage Stability Analysis Tools, Voltage Stability Assessment, Voltage Stability Assessment Techniques, Voltage Stability Indexing, Analysis Techniques for Steady-State Voltage Stability Studies, Application and Implementation Plan of Voltage Stability, Optimizing Stability Constraint through Preventive Control of Voltage Stability, Angle Stability Assessment, State Estimation. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Module-3 Computational Tools for Smart Grid Design 8 hours

Computational Tools for Smart Grid Design: Introduction to Computational Tools, Decision Support Tools, Optimization Techniques, Classical Optimization Method, Heuristic Optimization, Evolutionary Computational Techniques, Adaptive Dynamic Programming Techniques, Pareto Methods, Hybridizing Optimization Techniques and Applications to the Smart Grid, Computational Challenges.


Pathway for Designing Smart Grid: Introduction to Smart Grid Pathway Design, Barriers and Solutions to Smart Grid Development, Solution Pathways for Designing Smart Grid Using Advanced Optimization and Control Techniques for Selection Functions, General Level Automation, Bulk Power Systems Automation of the Smart Grid at Transmission Level, Distribution System Automation Requirement of the Power Grid, End User/Appliance Level of the Smart Grid, Applications for Adaptive Control and Optimization.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Module-4 Renewable Energy and Storage 8 hours

Renewable Energy and Storage: Renewable Energy Resources, Sustainable Energy Options for the Smart Grid, Penetration and Variability Issues Associated with Sustainable Energy Technology, Demand Response Issues, Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrids, PHEV Technology, Environmental Implications, Storage Technologies, Tax Credits.


Interoperability, Standards, and Cyber Security: Introduction, Interoperability, Standards, Smart Grid Cyber Security, Cyber Security and Possible Operation for Improving Methodology for Other Users.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding.

Module-5 Research, Education, and Training for the Smart Grid 8 hours

Research, Education, and Training for the Smart Grid: Introduction, Research Areas for Smart Grid Development, Research Activities in the Smart Grid, Multidisciplinary Research Activities, Smart Grid Education, Training and Professional Development.


Case Studies and Test beds for the Smart Grid: Introduction, Demonstration Projects, Advanced Metering, Microgrid with Renewable Energy, Power System Unit Commitment (UC) Problem,ADP for Optimal Network Reconfiguration in Distribution Automation, Case Study of RER Integration,Testbeds and Benchmark Systems, Challenges of Smart Transmission,Benefits of Smart Transmission.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023