15EE832 Operation and Maintenance of Solar Electric Systems syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Solar Resource and Radiation 8 hours

Solar Resource and Radiation:Solar resources, Quantifying solar radiation, The effect of the Earth’s atmosphere on solar radiation, Sun geometry, Geometry for installing solar arrays.


PV Industry and Technology:Semiconductor devices,Mainstream technologies,Monocrystalline silicon,Multicrystalline/polycrystalline silicon,Thin film solar cells,Contacts,Buying solar modules,Standards,Certifications,Warranties,Emerging technologies,Dye-sensitized solar cells,Sliver cells,Heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) photovoltaic cells,III-V Semiconductors,Solar concentrators.


PV Cells, Modules and Arrays:Characteristics of PV cells,Graphic representations of PV cell performance,Connecting PV cells to create a module,Specification sheets,Creating a string of modules,Creating an array,Photovoltaic array performance,Irradiance,Temperature,Shading.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying.

Module-2 Inverters and Other System Components 8 hours

Inverters and Other System Components:Introduction, Inverters,Battery inverters,Grid-interactive inverters,Transformers,Mainstream inverter technologies,String inverters,Multi-string inverter,Central inverter,Modular inverters,Inverter protection systems,Self-protection,Grid protection,Balance of system equipment: System equipment excluding the PV array and inverter,Cabling,PV combiner box,Module junction box,Circuit breakers and fuses,PV main disconnects/isolators,Lightning and surge protection,System monitoring,Metering,Net metering,Gross metering. Mounting Systems:Roof mounting systems,Pitched roof mounts,Pitched roof mounts for tiled roofs,Pitched roof mounts for metal roofs,Rack mounts,Direct mounts,Building-integrated systems,Ground mounting systems,Ground rack mounts,Pole mounts,Sun-tracking systems,Wind loading,Lightning protection.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing.

Module-3 Site Assessment 8 hours

Site Assessment:Location of the PV array,Roof specifications,Is the site shade-free?,Solar Pathfinder,SolmetricSuneye,HORIcatcher,iPhone apps,Software packages,Available area,Portrait installation,Landscape installation,Energy efficiency initiatives,Health, safety and environment (HSE) risks,Local environment,Locating balance of system equipment,Site plan.


Designing Grid-connected PV Systems:Design brief,Existing system evaluation,Choosing system components,Modules,Mounting structure,Inverters,Cabling,Voltage sizing,Current sizing,Monitoring,System protection,Over-current protection,Fault-current protection,Lightning and surge protection,Grounding/earthing,Mechanical protection,Array protection,Sub-array protection,Extra low voltage (ELV) segmentation.


Sizing a PV System:Introduction, Matching voltage specifications,Calculating maximum voltage,Calculating minimum voltage,Calculating the minimum number of modules in a string,Calculating the maximum voltage,Calculating the maximum number of modules in a string,Calculating the minimum voltage,Calculating the minimum number of modules in a string,Matching current specifications,Matching modules to the inverter’s power rating,Losses in utility-interactive PV systems,Temperature of the PV module,Dirt and soiling,Manufacturer’s tolerance,Shading,Orientation and module tilt angle,Voltage drop,Inverter efficiency,Calculating system yield. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding.

Module-4 Installing Grid-connected PV Systems 8 hours

Installing Grid-connected PV Systems:PV array installation, DC wiring, Cabling routes and required lengths,Cable sizing, PV combiner box,System grounding/earthing, Inverter installation, Installation checklist,Interconnection with the utility grid,Required information for installation,Safety.


System Commissioning:Introduction, Final inspection of system installation,Testing,Commissioning, System documentation.


System Operation and Maintenance:System maintenance, PV array maintenance, Inverter maintenance, System integrity, Troubleshooting, Identifying the problem, Troubleshooting PV arrays, Troubleshooting underperforming systems,Troubleshooting inverters,Other common problems.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding.

Module-5 Marketing and Economics of Grid-connected PV Systems 8 hours

Marketing and Economics of Grid-connected PV Systems:Introduction, PV system costing,Valuing a PV system,Simple payback and financial incentives,Simple payback,Feed-in tariffs,Rebates,Tax incentives,Loans,Renewable portfolio standards and renewable energy certificates,Marketing,Insurance.

Case Studies:Case studies A to G.


Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level L1 – Remembering, L2 – Understanding.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023