18EE43 Transmission and Distribution syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Power System 0 hours

Introduction to Power System:

Structure of electric power system: generation, transmission and distribution. Advantages of higher voltage transmission: HVAC, EHVAC, UHVAC and HVDC. Interconnection. Feeders, distributors and service mains.


Overhead Transmission Lines:

A brief introduction to types of supporting structures and line conductors-Conventional conductors; Aluminium Conductor steel reinforced (ACSR), All – aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC) and All –aluminium conductor (AAC). High temperature conductors; Thermal resistant aluminium alloy (ATI),Super thermal resistant aluminium alloy (ZTAI), Gap type thermal resistant aluminium alloy conductor steel reinforced (GTACSR), Gap type super thermal resistant aluminium alloy conductor steel reinforced (GZTACSR). Bundle conductor and its advantages. Importance of sag, Sag calculation – supports at same and different levels, effect of wind and ice. Line vibration and vibration dampers. Overhead line protection against lightening; ground wires.


Overhead L ine Insulators:

A brief introduction to types of insulators, material used- porcelain, toughened glass and polymer (composite). Potential distribution over a string of suspension insulators. String efficiency, Methods of increasing string efficiency. Arcing horns.

Module-2 Line Parameters 0 hours

Line Parameters:

Introduction to line parameters- resistance, inductance and capacitance. Calculation of inductance of single phase and three phase lines with equilateral spacing, unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit and transposed lines. Inductance of composite – conductors, geometric mean radius (GMR) and geometric mean distance (GMD). Advantages of single circuit and double circuit lines. ). Calculation of capacitance of single phase and three phase lines with equilateral spacing, unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit and transposed lines. Capacitance of composite – conductor, geometric mean radius (GMR) and geometric mean distance (GMD). Advantages of single circuit and double circuit lines.

Module-3 Performance of Transmission Lines 0 hours

Performance of Transmission Lines:

Classification of lines – short, medium and long. Current and voltage relations, line regulation and Ferranti effect in short length lines, medium length lines considering Nominal T and nominal circuits, and long lines considering hyperbolic form equations. Equivalent circuit of a long line. ABCD constants in all cases.

Module-4 Corona 0 hours


Phenomena, disruptive and visual critical voltages, corona loss. Advantages and disadvantages of corona. Methods of reducing corona.


Underground Cable:

Types of cables, constructional features, insulation resistance, thermal rating, charging current, grading of cables – capacitance and inter-sheath. Dielectric loss. Comparison between ac and DC cables. Limitations of cables. Specification of power cables.

Module-5 Distribution 0 hours


Primary AC distribution systems – Radial feeders, parallel feeders, loop feeders and interconnected network system. Secondary AC distribution systems – Three phase 4 wire system and single phase 2 wire distribution, AC distributors with concentrated loads. Effect of disconnection of neutral in a 3 phase four wire system.


Reliability and Quality of Distribution System:

Introduction, definition of reliability, failure, probability concepts, limitation of distribution systems, power quality, Reliability aids.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Explain transmission and distribution scheme, identify the importance of different transmission systems and types of insulators.
  • Analyze and compute the parameters of the transmission line for different configurations.
  • Assess the performance of overhead lines.
  • Interpret corona, explain the use of underground cables.
  • Classify different types of distribution systems; examine its quality & reliability.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 20 marks.
  • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Books:

1 A Course in Electrical Power Soni Gupta and Bhatnagar DhanpatRai -

2 Principles of Power System V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta S. Chand 1st Edition 2013


Reference Books:

1 Power System Analysis and Design J. Duncan Gloverat el Cengage Learning 4th Edition 2008

2 Electrical power Generation, Transmission and Distribution S.N. Singh PHI 2nd Edition,2009

3 Electrical Power S.L.Uppal Khanna Publication

4 Electrical power systems C. L. Wadhwa New Age 5th Edition,

5 Electrical power systems AshfaqHussain CBS Publication 2009

6 Electric Power Distribution A.S. Pabla McGraw-Hill 6th Edition,2012 For High temperature conductors refer www.jpowers.co.jp/english/product/pdf/gap_c1.pdfand Power

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023