18EE44 Electric Motors syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 DC Motors 0 hours

DC Motors:

Classification, Back emf, Torque equation, and significance of back emf, Characteristics of shunt, series & compound motors. Speed control of shunt, series and compound motors. Application of motors. DC motor starters – 3 point and 4 point.


Losses and Efficiency-

Losses in DC motors, power flow diagram, efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency.

Module-2 Testing of DC Motors 0 hours

Testing of DC Motors:

Direct & indirect methods of testing of DC motors-Brake test, Swinburne’s test, Retardation test, Hopkinson’s test, Field’s test, merits and demerits of tests.


Three Phase Induction Motors:

Review of concept and generation of rotating magnetic field, Principle of operation, construction, classification and types; squirrel-cage, slip-ring (No question shall be set from the review portion). Slip, Torque equation, torque-slip characteristic covering motoring, generating and braking regions of operation, Maximum torque, significance of slip.

Module-3 Performance of Three-Phase Induction Motor 0 hours

Performance of Three-Phase Induction Motor:

Phasor diagram of induction motor on no-load and on load, equivalent circuit, losses, efficiency, No-load and blocked rotor tests. Performance of the motor from the circle diagram and equivalent circuit. Cogging and crawling. High torque rotors-double cage and deep rotor bars. Equivalent circuit and performance evaluation of double cage induction motor. Induction motor working as induction generator.

Module-4 Starting and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors 0 hours

Starting and Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motors:

Need for starter. Direct on line, Star-Delta and autotransformer starting. Rotor resistance starting. Speed control by voltage,frequency, and rotor resistance methods


Single-Phase Induction Motor:

Double revolving field theory and principle of operation. Construction and operation of split-phase, capacitor start, capacitor run, and shaded pole motors. Comparison of single phase motors and applications.

Module-5 Synchronous Motor 0 hours

Synchronous Motor:

Principle of operation, phasor diagrams, torque and torque angle, Blondel diagram, effect of change in load, effect of change in excitation, V and inverted V curves. Synchronous condenser, hunting and damping. Methods of starting synchronous motors.


Other Motors:

Construction and operation of Universal motor, AC servomotor, Linear induction motor and stepper motors.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Explain the construction, operation and classification of DC Motor, AC motor and Special purpose motors.
  • Describe the performance characteristics & applications of Electric motors.
  • Demonstrate and explain the methods of testing of DC machines and determine losses and efficiency.
  • Control the speed of DC motor and induction motor.
  • Explain the starting methods, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams, torque angle, effect of change in excitation and change in load, hunting and damping of synchronous motors.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 20 marks.
  • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Books:

1 Electric Machines D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath McGraw Hill 4th edition, 2011

2 Theory of Alternating Current Machines Alexander Langsdorf McGraw Hill 2nd Edition, 2001

3 Electric Machines Ashfaq Hussain Dhanpat Rai & Co 2nd Edition, 2013


Reference Books:

1 Electrical Machines, Drives and Power systems Theodore Wildi Pearson 6th Edition, 2014

2 Electrical Machines M.V. Deshpande PHI Learning 2013

3 Electric Machinery and Transformers Bhag S Guru at el Oxford University Press 3rd Edition, 2012

4 Electric Machinery and Transformers Irving Kosow Pearson 2rd Edition, 2012

5 Principles of Electric Machines and power Electronics P.C.Sen Wiley 2nd Edition, 2013

6 Electric Machines R.K. Srivastava Cengage Learning 2nd Edition,2013

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023