18EE62 Power System Analysis – 1 syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Representation of Power System Components 0 hours

Representation of Power System Components:

Introduction, Single-phase Representation of Balanced Three Phase Networks, One-Line Diagram and Impedance or Reactance Diagram, Per Unit (PU) System, Steady State Model of Synchronous Machine, Power Transformer, Transmission of Electrical Power, Representation of Loads.

Module-2 Symmetrical Fault Analysis 0 hours

Symmetrical Fault Analysis:

Introduction, Transient on a Transmission Line, Short Circuit of a Synchronous Machine(On No Load), Short Circuit of a Loaded Synchronous Machine, Illustrative simple examples on power systems. Selection of Circuit Breakers.

Module-3 Symmetrical Components 0 hours

Symmetrical Components:

Introduction, Symmetrical Component Transformation, Phase Shift in Star-Delta Transformers, Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines, Sequence Impedances and Sequence Network of Power System, Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous Machine, Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines, Sequence Impedances and Networks of Transformers, Construction of Sequence Networks of a Power System.

Module-4 Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis 0 hours

Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis:

Introduction, Symmetrical Component Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults, Single Line-To-Ground (LG) Fault, Line-To-Line (LL) Fault, Double Line-To-Ground (LLG) Fault, Open Conductor Faults.

Module-5 Power System Stability 0 hours

Power System Stability:

Introduction, Dynamics of a Synchronous Machine, Review of Power Angle Equation, Simple Systems, Steady State Stability, Transient Stability, Equal Area Criterion, Factors Affecting Transient Stability, Multi machine stability studies, classical representation.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Model the power system components & construct per unit impedance diagram of power system.
  • Analyze three phase symmetrical faults on power system.
  • Compute unbalanced phasors in terms of sequence components and vice versa, also develop sequence networks.
  • Analyze various unsymmetrical faults on power system.
  • Examine dynamics of synchronous machine and determine the power system stability.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 20 marks.
  • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Book

1. Elements of Power System William D. StevensonJr McGraw Hill 4 th Edition, 1982


Reference Books

1 Modern Power System D. P. Kothari McGraw Hill 4 th Edition, 2011

2 Power System Analysis and Design J.Duncan Glover et al Cengage 4 th Edition, 2008

3 Power System Analysis Hadi Sadat McGraw Hill 1 st Edition, 2002

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023