18EE63 Digital Signal Processing syllabus for EE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Discrete Fourier Transforms 0 hours

Discrete Fourier Transforms:

Definitions, properties-linearity, shift, symmetry Properties- circular convolution – periodic convolution, use of tabular arrays, circular arrays, Stock ham’s method, linear convolution – two finite duration sequence, one finite & one infinite duration, overlap add and save methods.

Module-2 Fast Fourier Transforms Algorithms 0 hours

Fast Fourier Transforms Algorithms:

Introduction, decimation in time algorithm, first decomposition, number of computations, continuation of decomposition, number of multiplications, computational efficiency, decimation in frequency algorithms, Inverse radix – 2 algorithms.

Module-3 Design of IIR Digital Filters 0 hours

Design of IIR Digital Filters:

Introduction, impulse invariant transformation, bilinear transformations, All pole analog filters- Butterworth & Chebyshev filters, design of digital Butterworth filter by impulse invariant transformation and bilinear transformation, Frequency transformations.

Module-4 Design of IIR Digital Filters (Continued) 0 hours

Design of IIR Digital Filters (Continued):

Design of digital Chebyshev –type 1filter by impulse invariant transformation and bilinear transformation, Frequency transformations.

Realization of IIR digital systems:

direct form, cascade form and parallel form, Ladder structures for equal degree polynomial.

Module-5 Design of FIR Digital Filters 0 hours

Design of FIR Digital Filters:

Introduction, windowing, rectangular, modified rectangular. Hamming, Hanning, Blackman window, design of FIR digital filters by use of windows, Design of FIR digital filters-frequency sampling techniques.

Realization of FIR systems:

direct form, cascade form, linear phase form.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Apply DFT and IDFT to perform linear filtering techniques on given sequences to determine the output.
  • Apply fast and efficient algorithms for computing DFT and inverse DFT of a given sequence
  • Design and realize infinite impulse response Butterworth and Chebyshev digital filters using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation techniques.
  • Develop a digital IIR filter by direct, cascade, parallel, ladder and FIR filter by direct, cascade and linear phase methods of realization.
  • Design and realize FIR filters by use of window function and frequency sampling method.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full question is for 20 marks.
  • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question)from each module.
  • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
  • Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Book

1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Jhonny R. Jhonson Pearson 1 st Edition, 2016


Reference Books

1. Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms, and Applications Jhon G. Proakis Dimitris G. Manolakis Pearson 4 th Edition, 2007.

2. Digital Signal Processing A.NagoorKani McGraw Hill 2 nd Edition, 2012

3 Digital Signal Processing Shaila D. Apte Wiley 2 nd Edition, 2009

4 Digital Signal Processing Ashok Amberdar Cengage 1 st Edition, 2007

5 Digital Signal Processing Tarun Kumar Rawat Oxford 1 st Edition, 2015

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023