Introduction to Control Systems:
Introduction, classification of control systems.
Mathematical models of physical systems:
Modelling of mechanical system elements, electrical systems, Analogous systems, Transfer function, Single input single output systems, Procedure for deriving transfer functions, servomotors, synchros, gear trains.
Block Diagram:
Block diagram of a closed loop system, procedure for drawing block diagram and block diagram reduction to find transfer function.
Signal Flow Graphs:
Construction of signal flow graphs, basic properties of signal flow graph, signal flow graph algebra, construction of signal flow graph for control systems.
Time Domain Analysis:
Standard test signals, time response of first order systems, time response of second order systems, steady state errors and error constants.
Routh Stability Criterion:
BIBO stability, Necessary conditions for stability, Routh stability criterion, difficulties in formulation of Routh table, application of Routh stability criterion to linear feedback systems, relative stability analysis.
Root locus Technique:
Introduction, root locus concepts, construction of root loci, rules for the construction of root locus.
Frequency Response Analysis:
Co-relation between time and frequency response – 2nd order systems only.
Bode Plots:
Basic factors G(jw)/H(jw), General procedure for constructing bode plots, computation of gain margin and phase margin.
Nyquist plot:
Principle of argument, Nyquist stability criterion, assessment of relative stability using Nyquist criterion.
Design of Control Systems:
Introduction, Design with the PD Controller, Design with the PI Controller, Design with the PID Controller, Design with Phase-Lead Controller, Design with Phase - Lag Controller, Design with Lead-Lag Controller.
1 Experiment to draw the speed torque characteristics of
(i) AC servo motor
(ii) DC servo motor.
2 Experiment to draw synchro pair characteristics.
3 Experiment to determine frequency response of a second order system.
4 (a) To design a passive RC lead compensating network for the given specifications, viz, the maximum phase lead and the frequency at which it occurs and to obtain the frequency response.
5 (a) To design a passive RC lag compensating network for the given specifications, viz, the maximum phase lag and the frequency at which it occurs and to obtain the frequency response.
(b) To determine experimentally the transfer function of the lag compensating network.
6 Experiment to draw the frequency response characteristics of the lag – lead compensator network and determination of its transfer function.
7 To study a second order system and verify the effect of (a) P, (b) PI, (c) PD and (d) PID controller on the step response.
8 (a)To simulate a typical second order system and determine step response and evaluate time response specifications.
(b)To evaluate the effect of adding poles and zeros on time response of second order system.
(c)To evaluate the effect of pole location on stability.
9 (a) To simulate a D.C. Position control system and obtain its step response.
(b)To verify the effect of input waveform, loop gain and system type on steady state errors.
(c) To perform trade-off study for lead compensator.
(d) To design PI controller and study its effect on steady state error.
10 (a) To examine the relationship between open-loop frequency response and stability, open-loop frequency and closed loop transient response.
(b) To study the effect of open loop gain on transient response of closed loop system using root locus.
11 (a) To study the effect of open loop poles and zeros on root locus contour.
(b) Comparative study of Bode, Nyquist and root locus with respect to stability.
1. Perform experiments 1 and 2 using suitable components/equipment.
2. Perform experiments 3,4,5,6 and 7 using suitable components/equipment and verify the results using standard simulation package.
3. Perform simulation only of experiments 8,9,10 and 11using standard package.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
(1) Analyze and model electrical and mechanical system using analogous.
(2)Formulate transfer functions using block diagram and signal flow graphs.
(3) Analyze the stability of control system, ability to determine transient and steady state time response.
(4)Illustrate the performance of a given system in time and frequency domains, stability analysis using Root locus and Bode plots.
(5)Discuss stability analysis using Nyquist plots, Design controller and compensator for a given specification.
(6)Utilize software package and discrete components in assessing the time and frequency domain response of a given second order system.
(7)Design, analyze and simulate Lead, Lag and Lag – Lead compensators for given specifications.
(8)Determine the performance characteristics of ac and DC servomotors and synchro-transmitter receiver pair used in control systems.
(9)Simulate the DC position and feedback control system to study the effect of P, PI, PD and PID controller and Lead compensator on the step response of the system.
(10) Develop a script files to plot Root locus, Bode plot and Nyquist plot to study the stability of a system using software package.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
CIE for the theory component of IPCC
Two Tests each of 20 Marks (duration 01 hour)
Two assignments each of 10 Marks
CIE for the practical component of IPCC
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for the course (duration 03 hours)
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion will have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper shall include questions from the practical component).
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Control Systems, Anand Kumar, PHI, 2ndEdition, 2014.
2. Automatic Control Systems, Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo, Wiley, 9th, Edition, 2010.
3. Control System Engineering, Norman S. Nise, Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004.
4. Modern Control Systems, Richard C Dorf et al, Pearson, 11th Edition, 2008.
5. Control Systems, Principles and Design, M. Gopal, McGawHill 4th Edition, 2012.
6. Control Systems Engineering, S. Salivahanan et al, Pearson, 1st Edition, 2015.