BETCK205C Introduction to Nano Technology syllabus for EE Stream Physics Group

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Nanomaterials 7 hours

Introduction to Nanomaterials

Nanotechnology, Frontier of future-an overview, Length Scales, Variation of physical properties from bulk to thin films to nanomaterials, Confinement of electron in 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D systems, Surface to Volume Ratio, Synthesis of Nanomaterials: Bottom-Up approach: Chemical Routes for Synthesis of nanomaterials-Sol-gel, Precipitation, Solution Combustion synthesis, Hydrothermal, SILAR, Chemical Bath Deposition. Top-Down approach-Ball milling technique, Sputtering, Laser Ablation

Module-2 Characterization of Nanomaterials 7 hours

Characterization of Nanomaterials

Basic principles and instrumentations of Electron Microscopy –Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Scanning Probes-Scanning Tunneling microscope, Atomic Force Microscope –different imaging modes, comparison of SEM andTEM, AFM and STM, AFM and SEM.Basic principles of working of X-ray diffraction, derivation of Debye-Scherrer equation, numericals on Debye Scherrer equation, Optical Spectroscopy-Instrumentation and application of IR, UV/VIS (Band gap measurement)

Module-3 Carbon Based Materials 7 hours

Carbon Based Materials

Introduction, Synthesis, Properties (electrical, Electronic and Mechanical), and Applications of Graphene,SWCNT, MWCNT, Fullerenesand other Carbon Materials: Carbon nanocomposites, nanofibres, nanodiscs, nanodiamonds.

Module-4 Nanotechnology in Energy storage and conversion 7 hours

Nanotechnology in Energy storage and conversion

Solar cells: First generation, Second generation and third generation solar cells: Construction and working of Dye sensitized and Quantum dot sensitized solar cells.Batteries: Nanotechnology in Lithium ion battery-working, Requirements of anodic and cathodic materials, classification based on ion storage mechanisms, limitations of graphite anodes, Advances in Cathodic materials, Anodic materials, SeparatorsFuel Cells:Introduction, construction, working of fuel cells and nanotechnology in hydrogen storage and proton exchange membranes

Self study for lifelong learning:

Super capacitors: Introduction, construction and working of supercapacitor

Module-5 Applications of Nanotechnology 7 hours

Applications of Nanotechnology

Nanotech Applications and Recent Breakthroughs: Introduction, Significant Impact of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterial, Medicine and Healthcare Applications, Biological and Biochemical Applications (Nano biotechnology), Electronic Applications (Nano electronics), Computing Applications (Nanocomputers), Chemical Applications (Nano chemistry), Optical Applications (Nano photonics), Agriculture and Food Applications, Recent Major Breakthroughs in Nanotechnology.

Self study for lifelong learning:

Nano coatings (Photocatalysts)andsuper hydrophobic coatings (Lotus effect)


Course outcome (Course Skill Set)

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1Demonstrate the synthesis of nanoparticles by various techniques. [L2]

CO2Explain working of basic instruments used in characterization of nanoparticles. [L2]

CO3Discuss the application of nanotechnology to mechanical and civil domains [L2]

CO4Classify the nanomaterials based on the dimensions. [L3]

CO5Assess the suitability of nanomaterials for various device applications. [L4]


Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

  • The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
  • The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marksout of 50).
  • The minimum passing mark for the SEE is 35% of the maximum marks (18 marks out of 50).
  • A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the student secures not less than 35% (18 Marks out of 50) inthe semester-end examination(SEE), and a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.

Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE):

Two Unit Tests each of 30 Marks (duration 01 hour)

  • First test after the completion of 30-40 % of the syllabus
  • Second test after completion of 80-90% of the syllabus

One Improvement test before the closing of the academic termmay be conducted if necessary. However best two tests out of three shall be taken into consideration. One Question each on Lab session should included in IA tests

Two assignments each of 20 Marks

The teacherhas to plan the assignments and get them completed bythe studentswell before the closing of the termso that marks entry in the examination portal shall be done in time.Formative (Successive) Assessments include Assignments/Quizzes/Seminars/ Course projects/Field surveys/ Case studies/ Hands-on practice (experiments)/Group Discussions/ others.. The Teachers shall choose the types of assignments depending on the requirement of the courseand plan to attain the Cos and POs. (to have a less stressed CIE,the portion of the syllabus should not be common /repeated for any of the methods of the CIE. Each method of CIE should have a different syllabus portion of the course). CIE methods /test question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome defined for the course.

The sum of twotests, two assignments, will be out of 100 marks and will be scaled down to 50 marks

Semester End Examination(SEE):

Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for the subject (duration 03 hours)

  • x`The question paper shall be set for 100 marks. The medium of the question paper shall be English/Kannada). The duration of SEE is 03 hours.
  • The question paper will have 10questions. Two questions per module. Each question is set for 20 marks.The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module. The student has to answer for 100 marks and marks scoredout of 100shall be proportionallyreduced to 50 marks.
  • There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topicsunder that module.


Suggested Learning Resources:

Books(Title of the Book/Name of the author/Name of the publisher/Edition and Year)

1.Nano Materials –A.K. Bandyopadhyay/ New Age Publishers

2.Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Properties and Applications –C.N.R. Rao, P. John Thomas and G. U. Kulkarni, Springer Series in Materials Science

3.Nano Essentials-T. Pradeep/TMH

4.Peter J. F. Harris, Carbon nanotube science: synthesis, properties, and applications. Cambridge University Press, 2011

5.M.A. Shah, K.A. Shah, “Nanotechnology: The Science of Small”, Wiley India, ISBN 13: 9788126538683


Reference Books(Title of the Book/Name of the author/Name of the publisher/Edition and Year)

1. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C. P. Poole and F. J. Owens, Wiley, 2003

2. Understanding Nanotechnology, Scientific American 2002

3. Nanotechnology, M. Ratner and D. Ratner, Prentice Hall 2003

4. Nanotechnology, M. Wildon, K. Kannagara, G. Smith, M. Simmons and B. Raguse, CRC Press Boca Raton 2002

5. Recent reviews on Li-ion batteries, solar cells and fuel cells

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023