Data on externalstorage; File organizations and indexing; Index data structures; Comparisonof file organizations; Indexes and performance tuningMemory hierarchy; RAID; Disk space management; Buffer manager; Files ofrecords; Page formats and record formats
Intuition for tree indexes; Indexed sequentialaccess method; B+ trees, Search, Insert, Delete, Duplicates, B+ trees inpractice
Static hashing; Extendible hashing, Linear hashing,comparisons
The system catalog;Introduction to operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational operations;Introduction to query optimization; Alternative plans: A motivating example;what a typical optimizer does.When does a DBMS sort data? A simple two-way merge sort; External mergesort
The Selection operation; Generalselection conditions; The Projection operation; The Join operation; The Setoperations; Aggregate operations; The impact of buffering
Translating SQL queries in toRelational Algebra; Estimating the cost of a plan; Relational algebraequivalences; Enumeration of alternative plans; Nested sub-queries; otherapproaches to query optimization.
Introduction; Guidelines for indexselection, examples; Clustering and indexing; Indexes that enable index-onlyplans; Tools to assist in index selection; Overview of database tuning;Choices in tuning the conceptual schema; Choices in tuning queries andviews; Impact of concurrency; DBMS benchmarking.
Mobile databases; Multimedia databases;Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management