What is artificial intelligence?, Problems, problem spaces and search, Heuristic search techniques
Texbook 1: Chapter 1, 2 and 3
RBT: L1, L2
Knowledge representation issues, Predicate logic, Representaiton knowledge using rules. Concpet Learning: Concept learning task, Concpet learning as search, Find-S algorithm, Candidate Elimination Algorithm, Inductive bias of Candidate Elimination Algorithm.
Texbook 1: Chapter 4, 5 and 6
Texbook2: Chapter 2 (2.1-2.5, 2.7)
RBT: L1, L2, L3
Decision Tree Learning:
Introduction, Decision tree representation, Appropriate problems, ID3 algorith. Aritificil Nueral Network: Introduction, NN representation, Appropriate problems, Perceptrons, Backpropagation algorithm.
Texbook2: Chapter 3 (3.1-3.4), Chapter 4 (4.1-4.5)
RBT: L1, L2, L3
Bayesian Learning:
Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning, ML and LS error hypothesis, ML for predicting, MDL principle, Bates optimal classifier, Gibbs algorithm, Navie Bayes classifier, BBN, EM Algorithm
Texbook2: Chapter 6
RBT: L1, L2, L3
Instance-Base Learning: Introduction, k-Nearest Neighbour Learning, Locally weighted regression, Radial basis function, Case-Based reasoning. Reinforcement Learning: Introduction, The learning task, Q-Learning.
Texbook 1: Chapter 8 (8.1-8.5), Chapter 13 (13.1 – 13.3)
RBT: L1, L2, L3
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to :
Question Paper Pattern:
1. Tom M Mitchell,“Machine Lerning”,1 st Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Elaine Rich, Kevin K and S B Nair, “Artificial Inteligence”, 3 rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Saroj Kaushik, Artificial Intelligence, Cengage learning
2. Stuart Rusell, Peter Norving , Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson Education 2nd Edition
3. AurÈlienGÈron,"Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Tensor Flow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems", 1st Edition, Shroff/O'Reilly Media, 2017.
4. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, h The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd edition, springer series in statistics.
5. Ethem Alpaydın, Introduction to machine learning, second edition, MIT press
6. Srinvivasa K G and Shreedhar, “ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, Cengage