10MBA22 Indian business environment syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Business environment 7 hours

Environmental scanning – meaning nature and scope, economic and non-economic environment, interaction between internal and external environments, overview of political, socio- cultural, legal, technological and global environment.

Unit-2 Macro economic policies in india 7 hours

Industrial policies of the post 1991. Monetary policy: Objectives, credit control tools.Fiscal policy: Objectives, budget, direct and indirect taxes, revenue and expenditures of the union and the state. Recent Foreign Trade and Exim policies. Disinvestments in Indian public sector Units since 1991.

Unit-3 Economics of development 7 hours

Determinants, major issues of development India as a developing economy, contribution of different sectors( primary, secondary and tertiary) to Indian economy, growth in tertiary sectors in recent years, business cycle- features, phases,

Unit-4 National income accounting 7 hours

National income estimates in India- trends in national income– methods of measurement – income method , product method and expenditure method, – difficulties in measuring national income

Unit-5 Structure of industries 7 hours

Major industries – Electronics, Automobile, Textiles, Development of Private Sector- MNC in India, WTO and India.- SWOT Analysis of Indian Economy.

Unit-6 Money 7 hours

Monitory aggregates – Money Market and Capital Market- Role of FDI in Economic development – SEBI – Functions and achievements – Stock Exchange – BSE-NSE. Depository system in India- (Options, Futures and Derivatives)

Unit-7 Banking Structure Reforms 7 hours

RBI – Role and functions- Banking Structure Reforms- Narasimhan Committee Recommendations- Financial sector reforms - E- Banking in India – Objectives, trends and practical uses- Recent Technological Developments in Indian banking (ATM, Debit and Credit Cards, EMT, EFT, Etc.)

Unit-8 Infrastructure in economic development of india 7 hours

Meaning and Importance- Major issues in infrastructure with special reference to Railways, Road transport and Power – Development of IT Sector for in India – its contributions to Indian economy – Importance of Human resources development- Major thrust areas in human resource development.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023