Management: Introduction, definition of management, nature, purpose andfunctions, levels and types of managers, managerial roles, skills formanagers, evolution of management thought, Fayol’s fourteen principles ofmanagement and recent trends in management.
Planning: Nature of planning, planning process, objectives, MBO, strategies,level of strategies, policies, methods and programs, planning premises,decision making, process of decision making, types of decisions, techniquesin decision making.Organizing: Organization structure, formal and informal organizations,principles of organizations-chain of command, span of control, delegation,decentralization, empowerment.Functional, divisional, geographical, customer based and matrixorganizations, tram based structures, virtual organizations, boundary lessorganizations.
Controlling, importance of controlling, controlling process, types of control,factors influencing control effectiveness.
Organizational Behaviour: Introduction, definition, historical development,fundamental principles of OB, contributing disciplines, challenges andopportunities.
Individual behaviour: Foundations of individual behavior.Ability: Intellectual abilities, Physical ability, the role of disabilities.Personality: Meaning, formation, determinants, traits of personality, Big fiveand MBTI, personality attributes influencing OB.Attitude: Formation, components of attitudes, relation between attitude andbehaviour.Perception: Process of perception, factors influencing perception, linkbetween perception and individual decision making.Emotions: Affect, mood and emotion and their significance, basic emotions,emotional intelligence, self awareness, self management, social awareness,relationship management.
Motivation: Meaning, theories of motivation-needs theory, two factor theory,Theory X and Y, application of motivational theories.Leadership: Meaning, styles of leadership, leadership theories, trait theory,behavioural theories, managerial grid, situational theories-Fiedler’s model,SLT, transactional and transformation leadership.
Definition, types, formation of groups, building effective teams.Conflict: Meaning, nature, types, process of conflict, conflict resolution.Power and politics: Basis of power, effectiveness of power tactics. The ethicsof behaving politically.
Importance, managing culture. Work stress and its management.