Need and Types of Accounting, Users of Accounting, concepts andconventions of Accounting, Accounting Equations.
Journals, Subsidiary books, three column cash book, ledgers and trialbalance. (Problems only on three column cash book)
Preparation of final accounts of sole traders and companies (excludingpartnership) in horizontal format (students are to be introduced to verticalformats also)
Comparative, common size and trend analysis, Ratio Analysis, Preparation offinancial statements using ratios, Cash flow Statement.
IFRS and proposed changes in Indian Accounting Standards.
Audit Report, Directors’ Report and basics of MAOCARO 1998 (Amended2003)
Corporate Governance, Human Resource Accounting, Forensic AccountingWindow Dressing
Heads of Income, Salary, Profit in lieu of salary, Perquisites, deductions u/s80C, Income Tax Rates – For Individuals only (Only Theory)