Introduction to Operations Research. Definition, scope ofOperations Research, characteristics, advantages and limitations.Quantitative approach to decision making, models & modeling inOperations Research.
Linear programming, Structure of linear program model,Assumption, Advantages, Limitations, General mathematical model,Guidelines for formulation of linear programming model, graphicalmethod, algorithm (Only illustrative problems) Duality in linearprogramming..
Transportation problem, General structure of transportationproblem, methods of finding initial basic feasible solution(NWCM,LCM & VAM), test for optimality (MODI Method),degeneracy (theory only), Assignment problems, Introduction,General structure. problems on minimization & maximization
Decision theory – decision under uncertainty- Maxmin & Minmax,decision under Risk- Expected Value, decision tree problems.Job Sequencing- N Jobs-two machines and N Jobs-three machines, 2jobs-M machines cases.
heory of games- formulation of game models, Two person Zerosum games & their solution, 2 x N and M x 2 games, pure strategygames with saddle point, Mixed strategies (Graphical and algebraicmethods),Limitations of game theory.
Simulation, process of simulation, types of simulation, steps insimulation process, Monte Carlo simulation, application in queuing,inventory, finance, marketing and HR areas, Advantages &Disadvantages
Queuing theory, General structure of queuing system, Operatingcharacteristics of queuing system, Queuing models(Problems onM/M/1)
Project management, Structure of projects ,phases of projectmanagement-planning, scheduling, controlling phase, work breakdown structure, project control charts, network planning, PERT &CPM ,Network components & precedence relationships, criticalpath analysis, probability in PERT analysis, theory of crashing.