Introduction, meaning and significance of HRM. Historical evolution ofHRM. Major functions of HRM. Line functions and staff functions.Principles of HRM. HR Competencies. Institutions of repute which impartHRM education in India. Professional Associations in HRM. Careeropportunities in HRM.
Organizational structure, Job analysis,HR Planning and budget approval. Strategic decision to outsource, engagecontract workers or to recruit people on company role.
Meaning and significance ofrecruitment, process of recruitment, sources of recruitment, cost-benefitanalysis of recruitment. Meaning and significance of selection, process ofselection, selection techniques- tests, interviews and salary negotiation.Meaning and significance of appointment, process of appointment, legalaspects of employment contract, joining formalities and induction.
Meaning and significance of training anddevelopment, Process of training development, needs analysis, trainingdesign, training implementation and training evaluation. Methods of training-on the job methods and off the job methods.
Meaning and significance of compensation andbenefits. Basic salary, allowances, incentives, perks, and benefits. Structuredpay scales of the government sector and cost to company approach of theprivate consultant. Statutory aspects of compensation and benefits.
Meaning and significance of performancemanagement. Process of performance management. Types of performanceappraisal system. Performance goal setting, performance coaching andmonitoring, performance evaluation and performance feedback. Aligningperformance outcome to career and succession planning.
Meaning and significance of employee relations.Employee relation in unionized and non-unionized organizations. Handlingemployee grievances. Employee discipline and domestic enquiry. Legalaspects of employee relations with reference to trade union Act, industrialemployment standing orders Act and Industrial Disputes Act. Statutoryaspects of health, welfare and safety of employees.
Meaning, significance and process ofcareer planning. Career stages, responsibility for career planning and careeranchors. Meaning, significance and process of succession planning.Continuity of leadership and its impact on business.