12MBAHR343 Learning & Development syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction to training and development 5 hours

Meaning and significance,theories of adult learning, pedagogy and andragogy, classification oflearning capabilities, Bloom’s taxonomy, Learning enhancement factors,facilitation theory, nine events of instruction, different approaches to adultlearning

Unit-2 Training Needs Analysis 5 hours

Meaning and significance of training needs,types of needs, components of needs, data collection, analysis andinterpretation.

Unit-3 Training Design and Development 5 hours

Meaning and significance, principlesof training design, design process, identifying the training objectives,determining structure, content, duration, method, learning activities, followup activities and lesson plan

Unit-4 Training implementation 5 hours

Meaning and significance of implementation,making or buying decision, selecting the training provider, implementation ofin-house programme, blocking the dates, mobilizing the resources, logisticrequirements, boarding and lodging facilities, identification of trainers,managing contingences, accommodating the changes.

Unit-5 Training Evaluation 6 hours

Meaning and significance of training evaluation,Donald Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model, Return on investment in Training,data collection for training evaluation, designs of training evaluation.

Unit-6 Teaching and facilitation skills 10 hours

Competencies for trainers, personalconduct, social practices and subject expertise, handling questions, feedbackskills, motivating the trainees, managing time, maintaining decorum,drawing attention, handling post lunch session, frames of reference,communication skills, eye contact, facial expression, gestures, distancezones, presentation and facilitation skills.

Unit-7 On the job methods 8 hours

Meaning and significance of on the job training(OJT),historical evolution, Allen’s four step model, Kane’s seven step model, fiveneeds of supervisors, advantages and limitations of OJT, skills of OJTtrainers, OJT process, OJT methods and OJT effectiveness.

Unit-8 Other methods: Classroom methods: 12 hours

Other methods: Classroom methods: Meaning and significance ofclassroom training, advantages and limitations, bringing life to classroom,fundamentals of classroom effectiveness, types of classrooms, methods ofclassroom learning, technology based classrooms, interaction techniques. E-Learning methods: Meaning and significance of e learning, process of e-learning, types of e-learning, advantages and limitations of e-learning.Outward bound methods: Meaning and significance of outward boundlearning (OBL) methods, process of OBL, risk, safety and ethical issues.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023