History of labourmovement in India, Constitutional provisions of labour law, LabourCommissions and their recommendations.
International Labour Organization and its role, tripartite approach toindustrial relation- Employee unions, Employer unions and Labourdepartment of the government.
Collective bargaining andnegotiation of service conditions, Non unionized organizations and industrialrelation with non unionized workers.
Factories Act 1948, Karnataka Shopsand Commercial Establishment Act 1961, Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Act 1970, Apprentice Act 1961.
Employees State Insurance Act1948, Employees Compensation Act 1923, Maternity Benefit Act 1961,Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, Paymentof Gratuity Act 1972,
Trade Union Act 1926, IndustrialEmployment (Standing Orders Act) 1946, Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
Meaning and significanceof employee discipline, service rules and standing orders, misconduct,suspension and subsistence allowance, show cause notice, investigation,enquiry and charge sheet, principles of natural justice and enquiry procedure.Sections 11A, 17B, 33 and schedule 5 of Industrial Disputes Act and Section10A of Industrial Employment standing orders Act.
Meaning and significance, Supreme Court verdict in Vishaka Versus State of Rajasthancase, employer responsibility to create harassment free work place, trainingemployees for good behavior, modifying service rules to include sexualharassment as misconduct. Punishing the perpetrator and protecting thevictim.