16MBAHR305 Knowledge Management syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Understanding knowledge: the core of business 9 hours

Understanding knowledge: the core of business: What Is Knowledge Management, Multidisciplinary Nature of KM, Drivers of KM, The Two Major Types of Knowledge, The Concept Analysis Technique, History of Knowledge Management, From Physical Assets to Knowledge Assets, Organizational Perspectives on Knowledge Management,:Knowledge, Intelligence, Experience, Common sense. Cognition and KM. Types of Knowledge, Knowledge Management architecture and Implementation Strategies.


Knowledge creation and capture: Knowledge Creation, Nonaka’s Model, Major Theoretical KM Models, Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model, Knowledge Conversion.

Unit-2 The knowledge management cycle 7 hours

The knowledge management cycle: Knowledge Management System Life Cycle, Major Approaches to the KM Cycle, The Zack KM Cycle, The Bukowitz and Williams KM Cycle.

Unit-3 Knowledge sharing and communities of practice 6 hours

Knowledge sharing and communities of practice: The Social Nature of Knowledge, Sharing Communities, Types of Communities, Roles and Responsibilities in CoPs, Knowledge Sharing in Virtual CoPs, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Blogs, Content Management Tools, Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination Tools.

Unit-4 Knowledge application 12 hours

Knowledge application: KM for Individuals, Communities and Organizations, Future Challenges for KM. Knowledge Application at the Individual, Group & Organizational Levels, Characteristics of Individual Knowledge Workers, Task Analysis and Modelling, EPSS, Knowledge Reuse, Knowledge Repositories, Strategic & Practical Implications of Knowledge Application


The role of organizational culture: Different Types of Cultures, Organizational Culture Analysis, Culture at the Foundation of KM, The Effects of Culture on Individuals, Cultural Transformation to a Knowledge-Sharing Culture, Organizational Maturity Models, KM Maturity Models, CoP Maturity Models,

Unit-5 KM strategy and metrics 12 hours

KM strategy and metrics: Knowledge Management Strategy, Knowledge Audit, Gap Analysis, The KM Strategy Road Map, The Management of Organizational Memory, Balancing Innovation and Organizational Structure, Historical Overview of Metrics in KM, KM Metrics, The Benchmarking Method, The Balanced Scorecard Method.

Unit-6 The KM team & learning organizations: learning organization 10 hours

The KM team & learning organizations: learning organization: The mystique of learning organization, learning and change, RICE Model. Major Categories of KM Roles, Senior Management Roles, KM Roles and Responsibilities within Organizations, the KM Profession. Ethical, legal and managerial issues.


Practical Components:

  • To expose and make students to prepare a report on knowledge management practices implemented by successful companies.


  • Make a team of 2-3 students and asking them to conduct a telephonic interview or survey regarding local businesses familiarity with and level of literacy in KM.


  • To do a comparison on the KM Life Cycle Models and seeing their applicability in organizations.


  • To organize a group discussion for students and enable them to go through the knowledge acquisition phases.


  • Asking students to compare and contrast on different COPs.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023