16MBAHR405 Strategic Talent Management syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Basics of Talent Management 10 hours

Basics of Talent Management: Talent- engine of new economy, difference between talents and knowledge workers, leveraging talent, the talent value chain, elements of talent friendly organizations, talent management process,


Talent Management System – Components and benefits of Talent Management System; creating TMS, challenges of TMS,


Building blocks of talents management: competencies – performance management, conducting performance reviews, Appraising executive talent, selecting the right appraisal.

Unit-2 Talent Planning 8 hours

Talent Planning – Concept, succession management process, Integrating succession planning and career planning, designing succession planning program, strategic accountability approach in developing the workforce, balanced scorecard, talent development budget, contingency plan for talent; building a reservoir of talent, compensation management within the context of talent management, CEO Succession planning,

Unit-3 Developing and Retaining Talent 6 hours

Developing and Retaining Talent – Potential identification and development, coaching for sustained &desired change, integrating coaching, training and development with talent management ,employee retention- motivation and engagement, Return on talent; age of analytics, making outplacement as a part of talent strategy, developing talent management information system.

Unit-4 Competency mapping 6 hours

Competency mapping: Concepts and definition of competency; types of competencies, competency based HR systems, competency and performance, 5 level competency model, developing various competency models, how competencies relate to career development and organizational goals.

Unit-5 Methodology of competency mapping 14 hours

Methodology of competency mapping : competency model development ,competency models, people capability maturity model ,developing competency framework , competency profiling , competency mapping tools , use of psychological testing in competency mapping , competency based interviewing , assessment of competencies through 360 degree feedback, BEI, CIT, validation of competencies.

Unit-6 Measuring Performance, Assessment and Development Centre 12 hours

Measuring Performance, Assessment and Development Centre: background and approaches to performance assessment, competency based performance assessment, diagnosing reasons for performance problems, designing an effective performance management systems, sources of errors in performance measurement.


Assessment and Development Centre : concepts , importance and uses of assessments centre in selecting employees , difference between assessment and development centre, assessment centre approach to competence building , profile of the assessors, steps in assessment centre, designing the assessment centre.


Practical Component:

  • Students are expected to conduct a study on how talents are acquired and retained – in various industries – and various strategies followed by the respective companies.


  • Discussion on “How to have/ evaluate the performance of the MBA students”


  • Ask the students to find out the best employer surveys conducted during the past one year and make a presentation.


  • Identify the important positions in your college or any other organization and ascertain the measures if any taken to develop second line of leadership


  • Ask the students to collect data about the position of principal, director, and other teachers in your college and prepare a competency dictionary for the said positions


  • Presentation by students about the competency directory profiling of various positions.


  • Ask the students to role play the behavioural event interview to collect data for competency mapping for the position of management professor.


  • Presentation by students about the competency directory profiling of various positions.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023