17MBAHR403 International Human Resource Management syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction to IHRM 10 hours

Introduction to IHRM Definition, The drivers of internationalization of business. The different setting of International Human Resource Management. Development of IHRM. Difference between IHRM and Domestic HRM. Models of IHRM-Matching model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model, 5P Model European Model. SHRM: Evolution of MNE’s, Business strategies, IHRM Strategies, SIHRM. Barriers in effective global HRM. Socio-cultural context, Organizational dynamics and IHRM: Role of culture in International HRM, Country and Regional Cultures, Country Culture versus MNE Culture. Culture and employee management issues/ impact of Country culture on IHRM.

Unit-2 Strategies for International Growth 7 hours

Strategies for International Growth:

Exploiting global integration-The logic of global integration, differentiation, Mastering expatriation, beyond the traditional expatriate model, the limits of global integration. Becoming locally responsive: The roots of responsiveness, understanding diversity, responding to diversity, the challenges of localization. Managing alliances and joint ventures - IHRM and International Alliances, IHRM and International Joint Ventures.

Unit-3 International Workforce planning and staffing 10 hours

International Workforce planning and staffing:

International labour market International Recruitment function; head-hunters, cross-national advertising, e-recruitment; International staffing choice, different approaches to multinational staffing decisions, Types of international assignments, Selection criteria and techniques, use of selection tests, interviews for international selection, international staffing issues, Successful expatriation, role of an expatriate, female expatriation, repatriation, re-entry and career issues.

Unit-4 Developing Global Mindset: Global Leadership 7 hours

Developing Global Mindset: Global Leadership, Cross cultural context and international assignees, Current scenario in international training and development, training & development of international staff, types of expatriate training, sensitivity training, Career Development, repatriate training, developing international staff and multinational teams, knowledge transfer in multinational companies.

Unit-5 Performance Management 8 hours

Performance Management:

Performance Management and MNE, Constraints in goal attainment, performance management cycle, Performance Management of International Assignees, third and host country employees, issues and challenges in international performance management, country specific performance management practices.

Unit-6 International Compensation and International Employment Laws and HRIS 14 hours

International Compensation and International Employment Laws and HRIS:

International compensation and international assignees, Forms of compensation, key components of international compensation, Approaches to international compensation, compensation practices across the countries, emerging issues in compensation management. Establishment of labour standards by International Institutions, The global legal and regulatory context of MNE, The International framework of Ethics and Labour standards, Key issues in International Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and MNE’s, Response of Trade Unions to MNE’s, Non-Union worker representation. HRIS: Meaning, Role of IT in HR, Designing of HRIS, Applications of HRIS in Employee Management, Limitation of HRIS.


Practical Component:

  • Study the Socio-Political-Economic System in U.S, U.K, Japan and India and prepare a comparative analysis.
  • Visit an MNE organization and study the HR shared services operations performed.
  • Solve a case study to understand the challenges faced by organizations in evaluating the performance of international assignees.
  • Study and compare Recruitment, Selection and Training practices in various countries.
  • Study Indian and US legal aspects involved when deploying an employee on an International Assignment.



  • International Human Resource Management - Peter J. Dowling, MavinFesting, Allen D Englesr Cengage Learning.
  • International Human Resource Management - Monir H. Tayeb, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions, Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite, Richard D. Johnson SAGE, 2011, 2/e.
  • Strategic International Human Resource Management: Choices and Consequences in Multinational People Management - Stephen J. Perkins, Susan M. Shortland – Kogan Page Publishers, 2006.
  • Strategic Human Resource Management, Schuler, 2/e, Wiley.



  • International Human Resource Management: Text and Cases By P. L. Rao, Excel Books, Reprint
  • International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices By Dennis Briscoe, Randall Schuler, IbraizTarique, Taylor & Francis, 4/e, 2012.
  • International Human Resource Management - Anne-Wil Harzing, Joris Van Ruysseveldt - SAGE, 2004.
  • International human resource management: think globally, act locally – Derek Torrington - Prentice Hall, 1994.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023