17MBAHR406 Personal Growth & Interpersonal Effectiveness syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Personal growth 12 hours

Personal growth:

Meaning, nature and scope of personal growth. Self-awareness and selfesteem, life roles, social roles and organizational roles, role clarity and role boundaries. Ego states- Id, ego and super ego and defense mechanisms; developing a self improvement plan.


Interpersonal Trust:

Discovering facets of interpersonal trust through Johari Window (Openness, confidentiality, blind spot and unknown part of personality); Self disclosure, seeking feedback, self reflection and practicing new behaviors.

Unit-2 Understanding Human Personality 8 hours

Understanding Human Personality:

Personality – Meaning & Determinants; Personality theories, Carl Jung's theory of personality Types and Myers Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI), Trait theories- Guilford Peogut, PF 16 and Type A and B Personalities; Emotional intelligence – Meaning, Dimensions, and Emotionally intelligent Organizations.

Unit-3 Attitudes, beliefs, Values and their impact on behavior 8 hours

Attitudes, beliefs, Values and their impact on behavior;

Personal change- meaning, nature and requisites. Locus of control.


Habit Formation -

Habits of personal effectiveness. Seven habits of highly effective people.

Unit-4 Basic functions of mind 8 hours

Basic functions of mind:

Creativity and innovation. Blocks to creativity. Creativity processes and tools- convergent and divergent thinking. Six thinking Hats, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Unit-5 Interpersonal relations and personal growth 6 hours

Interpersonal relations and personal growth:

Interpersonal needs for openness, inclusion and control. Discovering the interpersonal orientation through FIRO-B. Conflict resolution and negotiation, Time management and honoring the commitments

Unit-6 Transactional Analysis 14 hours

Transactional Analysis:

Ego states, types of transactions and time structuring. Life position, scripts and games; strokes and stamps


Experiential learning methodologies:

T-group sensitivity training, encounter groups and appreciative enquiry.


Practical Components:

  • Students are expected to conduct an in depth study about various personality traits & TA and submit a detailed report.
  • Students have to undergo psychometric test like MBTI, FIRO-B, Big Five etc , conduct SWOT analysis and prepare a personal growth plan based on the results
  • Ask the individual students to seek multisource feedback about their interpersonal effectiveness from peers, teachers, and parents; understand and reflect the feedback and prepare a development plan for interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Discuss a Johari Window case in the class to identify how it can help each individual student to promote his/ her personal growth.
  • Organize a workshop on MBTI for the students to know their type and to understand the type dynamics.
  • Organize a neuro linguistic programming workshop for the participation of all HR students.



  • Organizational Behaviour: Human Behavior at work – John W. Newstrom and Keith Davis, 11/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
  • Human Relations in organizations - Robert N. Lussier, 6/e, Mc-Graw Hill Education.
  • Development of Management Skills - Whetten& Cameron, 7/e, PHI.
  • Competency Mapping Assessment and Growth - Naik G.P, IIHRM, 2010.



  • Understanding OB - Udai Pareek, Oxford University Press.
  • Theories of Personality- Calvin S Hall, 4/e, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Seven habits of highly effective people - Stephen R Covey, Pocket Books.
  • Training in interpersonal Skills- Stephen Robbins, Pearson Education.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023