18MBA11 Management & Organizational Behavior syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction 0 hours


Introduction: Management: Introduction, Definition of management, Nature, Purpose and Functions, Levels and types of managers, managerial roles, skills for managers, evolution of management thought, Fayol’s fourteen principles of management, Recent trends in management.

Unit-2 Planning and Organizing 0 hours

Planning and Organizing:

Planning:Meaning, Nature of Planning, Planning Process, Objectives, MBO, Strategies, level of strategies, policies, methods and programs, Planning Premises, Decision-making, Process of decision-making, Types of decisions, Techniques in decision-making.

Organizing:Organization structure, Formal and informal organizations, Functional, divisional, geographical, customer based and matrix organizations, tram based structures, virtual organizations, boundary less organizations. Principles of organizations-chain of command, span of control, delegation, decentralization, and empowerment.

Case Study:Principles of Management, Cengagelearning , William , Manjunath , Sandhya

Unit-3 Controlling 0 hours

Controlling:Meaning, importance of controlling, controlling process, types of control, factors influencing control effectiveness.

Unit-4 Introduction 0 hours


Introduction:Organizational Behaviour: Introduction, definition, fundamental principles of OB, contributing disciplines, challenges and opportunities. Evolution & Organizational Behavior in India.

Case study:Organizational Behavior by Steven L McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow and Radha R Sharma, TaTa McGraw Hill companies, Fouth Edition, Pg-6.

Unit-5 Foundations of Individual Behaviour 0 hours

Foundations of Individual Behaviour:Individual behaviour: Foundations of individual behaviour. Ability: Intellectual abilities, Physical ability, the role of disabilities

Personality:Meaning, formation, determinants, traits of personality, big five and MBTI, personality attributes influencing OB. Perception:Meaning,Process of perception, factors influencing perception, link between perception and individual decision-making.

Attitude:Meaning,Formation, components of attitudes, relation between attitude and behaviour.

Unit-6 Motivation 0 hours

Motivation:Meaning, theories of motivation-needs theory, two factor theory, Theory X and Y, application of motivational theories.

Leadership:Meaning, styles of leadership, leadership theories, trait theory, behavioural theories, managerial grid, situational theories

Case Study:“Nuts and Bolts”, Principles of Management, Cengagelearning , William , Manjunath , Sandhya Page no 531-532.



  • Studying organizational structures of any 10 companies and classifying them into different types of organizations which are those organizations.
  • Preparing the leadership profiles of any 5 business leaders and studying their leadership qualities and behaviors with respects to the trait, behavioural and contingency theories studied.
  • Identifying any five job profiles and listing the various types, abilities required for those jobs and also the personality traits/attributes required for the jobs identified. Note:Faculty can either identify the organizations/ leaders/job profile or students can be allowed to choose the same.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023