Meaning and Nature of Strategic Management, its Importance and Relevance and. Characteristics of Strategic Management, The Strategic Management Process. Relationship Between a Company’s Strategy and its Business Model.
Case Study related to the Module.
External Analysis
Strategically Relevant Components of a Company’s External Environment – Industry Analysis - Factors Driving Industry Change and its Impact - Porter’s Dominant Economic Feature - Competitive Environment Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces Model – Key Success Factors Concept and Implementation.
Case Study on external analysis.
Students Assignment: Industry External Analysis.
Internal Analysis
Describe Strategic Vision, Mission, Goals, Long Term Objectives, Short-Term Objectives and Discuss Their Value to the Strategic Management Process, Resources, Capabilities, Competencies, Resource Based View of the firm (RBV), Balanced Score Card, SWOC Analysis, Value Chain Analysis, Benchmarking.
Case Study on internal analysis.
Students Assignment: Industry Internal Analysis.
Strategy Formulation
Business Strategies –Porter’s Generic Strategies: Low Cost, Differentiation, Best Cost, Focused Low Cost and Focused Differentiation, Corporate Strategies – Growth Strategies (Internal Growth, External Growth, Integration, Diversification, Mergers, Strategic Alliances), Ansoff’s Matrix, Stability Strategies (No-Change, Profit and Proceed With Caution), Retrenchment Strategies (Turnaround, Divestment and Liquation), International Business Level Strategies.
Case Study on Strategic Formulation. Students Assignment: Strategies of listed companies.
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Implementation -Organisational Structure, Strategic Leadership and Organisational Culture Strategy and Innovation - Introduction to Innovation: Process, Product and Platform; Creative Destruction and Disruptive Technologies; Designing Organisations for Innovation; Innovation Environments: Institutional Innovation and Environments, The Co-creation of Value, Open Innovation and Open Strategy, National Innovation Systems, Learning Networks and Clusters, Social Innovation.
Case Study on Strategy Implementation.
Strategic Control
Strategic Control: Focus of Strategic Control, Establishing Strategic Controls (Premise Control, Strategic Surveillance, Special Alert Control, Implementation Control), Exerting Strategic Control (through Competitive Benchmarking, Performance and Formal and Informal Organisations). Case Study on Strategic Control.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Students should get clear idea about the concept of Strategic Management, its relevance, Characteristics, process nature and purpose.
2. Student to acquire an understanding of how firms successfully institutionalize a strategy and create an organizational structure for domestic and overseas operations and gain competitive advantage.
3. To give the students an insight on strategy at different levels of an organization to gain competitive advantage.
4. To help students understand the strategic drive in multinational firms and their decisions in different markets.
5. To enable the students to gain knowledge of strategy implementation and the control measures for effective decision-making.
Practical Component:
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
1 Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage – Concepts and Cases Arthur A. Thompson Jr. Margaret A. Peteraf John E. Gamble A. J. Strickland III Arun K. Jain McGraw Hill Education 19/e 2017
2 Strategic Management: A South-Asian Perspective Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson S. Manikutty Cengage Learning 9/e 2016
Reference Books
1 Strategy: Theory & Practice Stewart Clegg Chris Carter Marting Kornberger Jochen Schweitzer Sage Publications 3/e ,2020
2 Strategy Management: Theory & Practice John Parnell Biztantra 2004
3 Strategic Management: Planning for Domestic and Global Competition John A. Pearce Richard B. Robinson McGraw Hill Education 14/e 2015