22MBAHR305 Organizational Change & Development syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Changing Organisations 7 hours

Changing Organisations:

Nature of 21st Century Organisation, Defining Organisational Change, The Roots of Organisation Change, Environmental Forces, Driving Change Today, The Implications of Worldwide Trends for Change Management, Four Types of Organisational Change, Planned Changes and Intended Results, Organisation Change Roles, Change Initiators, Change Implementers, Change Facilitators, Change Recipients, The Requirements for Becoming a Successful Change Leader, Application of Lewin’s Model of Change, OD Practitioners.

Unit-2 Building and Energising the Need for Change 9 hours

Building and Energising the Need for Change:

Organisations as Systems, Levels and Characteristics of Organisational Change, Models of Organisational Change, Systems Theory and Social Construction Approaches, Developing a Knowledge for the Need for Change, Seek Out and Make Sense of Internal - External Data, The Organisations’ Readiness for Change, Creating Awareness of the Need for Change, Factors That Block People From Recognising the Need for Change, Creating a Powerful Vision for Change, The Difference Between an Organisational Vision and a Change Vision

Unit-3 Measuring Change: Designing Effective Control Systems 9 hours

Measuring Change: Designing Effective Control Systems:

Using Control Processes to Facilitate Change, Selecting and Deploying Measures, Use Measures that Lead to Challenging but Achievable Goals, Use Measures and Controls that are Perceived as Fair and Appropriate, Ensure Accurate Data, Control Systems and Change Management, Controls During Design and Early Stages of the Change Project, Measurement Tools to use in Change Process, Strategy Maps, The Balanced Scorecard, Risk Exposure Calculator, Organisational Change Agent, Orienting Yourself to Organisation Change, Data Gathering, Diagnosis and Feedback.

Unit-4 Models of Change 9 hours

Models of Change:

Kurt Lewin’s Three-step Model (1950–1952), Six-box Model of Marvin Weisbord, The McKinsey 7-S Model, Huse’s Model of Planned Organizational Change, Action Research Model, David Nadler and Michael Tushman Model , Porras and Silvers Model (1991), The Burke–Litwin Causal Model, John Kotter’s Eight-step Theory , Organizational Intelligence Model (2004), Managing Change with ADKAR Model, Integrated Model of Change , Comparison and Critical Analysis of Change Models Plan the Work, Selecting the Correct Path, Engage Others in Action Planning, Working the Plan Ethically and Adaptively, Developing a Communication Plan, Key Principles in Communicating for Change, Transition Management. Ensure Alignment in Your Action Planning, Action Planning Tools: 1) To-Do Lists; 2) Responsibility Charting; 3) Contingency Planning; 4) Surveys and Survey Feedback;5) Project Planning and Critical Path Methods;6) Force Field and Stakeholder Analysis; 7) Leverage Analysis and 8) Other Change-Management Tools.

Unit-5 Organisation Development (OD) 7 hours

Organisation Development (OD):

7 hours Concept of O D, History of O D, OD in India, OD Activities, Values, Beliefs and Assumptions of OD, Laboratory Training and T-Groups Action Research and Survey Feedback, Employee Involvement, Organisational Culture, Reengineering Organisational Learning, Organisational Effectiveness and Employee Engagement, Defining Values, Values Important to the OD Practitioner, Core Values of O D, Changes to OD Values, Values Statement of O D, Ethical Issues of OD.

Unit-6 OD Practitioner and Consulting Process 7 hours

OD Practitioner and Consulting Process:

Changing Workforce Demographics, Changing Nature of Work, The Consulting Relationship and Types of Consulting, Consulting Model, OD Practitioners, The Organisation Development Consulting Profession, The OD Consulting Process and Action Research, Data Gathering - Data Gathering Methods and Process, Ethical Issues With Data Gathering, Diagnosis and Feedback, assessment, Ethical Issues With Diagnosis and Giving Feedback, OD Intervention-Team Interventions, Quality, Performance Management, Communication in OD process, Coaching, Mentoring, 360 Feedback, Career Planning and Development. Merger and Acquisition, Organisational Health, OD Association in India


Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

  • The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
  • The minimum passing marks for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks.
  • Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of SEE.
  • A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements (passed) and earned the credits allotted to each course if the student secures not less than 50% in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.

Continuous Internal Evaluation:

There shall be a maximum of 50 CIE Marks. A candidate shall obtain not less than 50% of the maximum marks prescribed for the CIE.

CIE Marks shall be based on:

a) Tests (for 25Marks) and

b) Assignments, presentations, Quiz, Simulation, Experimentation, Mini project, oral examination, field work and class participation etc., (for 25 Marks) conducted in the respective course. Course instructors are given autonomy in choosing a few of the above based on the subject relevance and should maintain necessary supporting documents for same.

Semester End Examination:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.

  • The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question is for 20 marks with 3 sub questions.
  • Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full questions from question number one to seven in the pattern of 3, 7 & 10 Marks and question number eight is compulsory.

Suggested Learning Resources: Books

7. Change Management and Organisational Development Ratan Raina SAGE Texts 2018

8. Organisational Change- An Action Oriented Toolkit Gene Deszca, Cynthia Ingols, Tupper F. Cawsey SAGE Publications, Inc 2019

9. Organisation Development: The process of Leading Organisational Change Donald L. Anderson Sage Publication India Pvt. Ltd. 2/e, 2012

10. Organisation Development Donald L. Anderson SAGE South Asia 2013

11. Toolkit for Organisational Change T. F. Cawsey, Gene Deszca SAGE Text 2007

12. Organisation Development and Organisational Change Donald L. Anderson and Tupper F. Cawsey SAGE Publications 1/e, 2014


Course outcome

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1 Gain conceptual insight of change management models, OD processes and interventions. L1

CO2 Develop the understanding of OD to apply OD aspects in private and public sectors in India. L3

CO3 Analyse the tools and techniques available to implement changes in the organization environment. L2

CO4 Handle the OD interventions by analysing the role of OD consultant.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023