Introduction to Rural Markets:
Definition, Concept, Nature, Size and Scope of Indian Rural markets, Rural Demand, Buying Characteristics, Rural Market Structure: Demographic, Physical, Economic Environment. Rural Infrastructural Facilities – Warehousing, Cold Storage, Logistics. Indian Rural Market: Profile, Rural Vs Urban Market, Importance of Branding, Problems of Rural Consumers: Adulteration, Short Weight and Measures, Unfair Warranties and Guarantees, Unreasonable Pricing, Challenges and Future of Rural Marketing.
Understanding the Rural Consumer:
Rural Community in India. Profile of Rural markets: Segmenting the Rural Market, Target and Positioning, Rural Consumer Behavior, Rural Buyer Characteristics, Consumer Buying Decision Process, Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior –Cultural, Social, Technological, Economic and Political.
Marketing Mix in Rural Markets:
Product: Significance, Concept and Product Mix Decisions, Pricing Strategy: Objectives, Policies and Strategies, Promotion: Advertising, Sales Promotions Communication in Rural marketing, language and Culture Distribution Strategies, Channels of Distribution, Role of Co-operative, Government, Financial Institutions, Public Sector Undertakings, Regulated Markets and Public Distribution Systems.
Innovation in Rural Markets:
Significance of innovation in rural markets, The intervention of IT in Rural Markets: Importance and Initiatives, The emergence of Organized retailing in Rural India, Key Drivers of Organized Retail, Cases in organized retail: Operative Models adopted by Indian Companies.
Initiatives of Rural Marketing:
Improvement measures taken by the Government –Initiatives by Co-operative and Private Sector, Present Scenario-Rural Female Empowerment, Micro Financing, Mobility in Emerging Markets, Growing Rural Tourism. E- Commerce: Importance of E-Commerce and Impact of E-Marketing on rural consumers, Concept of Digital Village, Role of Social Media in rural marketing. Information Technology: Impact of IT in Agricultural Marketing, E Chaupal, Project Shakti, Web-casting-online training and guidance to farmers.
Future of Rural Marketing:
Changing Role of Rural Sector in India; Rural Income and Demand, Problems in Marketing of agricultural inputs in Rural India – Chemical fertilizers, Certified seeds and Agricultural Equipments, Tractors, Engines, Pump Sets, Marketing of Agricultural products. Online Marketers: Role of Online Marketers, Growth and Challenges.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
There shall be a maximum of 50 CIE Marks. A candidate shall obtain not less than 50% of the maximum marks prescribed for the CIE.
CIE Marks shall be based on:
a) Tests (for 25Marks) and
b) Assignments, presentations, Quiz, Simulation, Experimentation, Mini project, oral examination, field work and class participation etc., (for 25 Marks) conducted in the respective course. Course instructors are given autonomy in choosing a few of the above based on the subject relevance and should maintain necessary supporting documents for same.
Semester End Examination:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Rama Bijapurkar (2007), We are Like That Only, the logic of Consumer India, Penguin Books
2. Prahalad C.K (2008), Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Pearson Publication
3. R V Badi, N V Badi, Rural Marketing, 2008, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. U C Mathur, Rural marketing, Text and Cases, 2008, excel books
5. CSG Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan, Cases in Rural marketing, An Integrated Approach, 2006, Pearson Publication.
Course outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
CO1 Recognize appropriate Rural marketing objectives. L1
CO2 Knowledge on consumer buying behavior and influencing factors on consumer buying behavior at rural market and the decision process Appreciate the e-commerce and innovation in Rural marketing. L3
CO3 Illustrate the promotional mix in rural markets Rural marketing and marketing strategies. L2
CO4 Knowledge of premise underlying in rural markets L5
CO5 To comprehend the initiatives and future of rural markets L5