The meaning of algorithms, Flowcharts and their need, Writing algorithms and drawing flowcharts for simpleexercises like finding biggest of three numbers, to find roots of given quadratic equation, to find the biggest andsmallest of given set of numbers and such other simple examples
Character set, C tokens, keywords & identifiers, structure of C program, executing a C program. Constants,variables, data types, declaration of variables, declaration of storage classes, assigning values to variablesdefining symbolic constants, declaring a variable as constant, declaring a variable as volatile, overflow andunderflow of data.
Arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operator, increment and decrementoperator, conditional operator, bitwise operators, comma operator, special operators, arithmetic expressions,evaluation of expressions, precedence of arithmetic operators, type conversions in expressions, operatorprecedence and associativity, mathematical functions
The scanf() & printf() functions for input and output operations, reading a character, writing a character, (thegetchar() & putchar() functions) , the address operator(&), formatted input and output using format specifiers,Writing simple complete C programs.
Decision making with if statement, simple if statement, the if..else statement, nesting of if..else statements, theelse..if ladder, the switch statement, the ?: operator, the goto statement, the break statement, programmingexamples
The while statement, the do...while statement, the for statement, nested loops, jumps in loops, the continuestatement, programming examples
The meaning of an array, one dimensional and two dimensional arrays, declaration and initialization of arrays,reading , writing and manipulation of above types of arrays, multidimensional arrays, dynamic arrays,programming examples.
Declaring and initialing string variables, reading string from terminal, writing string to screen, arithmeticoperations on characters, putting strings together, comparison of two strings, string handling functions, table ofstrings, other features of strings, programming examples.
Need for user defined functions, a multi function program, elements of User defined functions, definingfunctions, return values and their types, function calls, function declaration, category of functions, no argumentsand no return values, arguments but no return values, arguments with return values, no arguments with returnvalue, functions that return multiple values, nesting of functions, recursion, passing arrays to functions, passingstring to functions, programming examples.
Defining a structure, declaring structure variables, accessing structure members, structure initialization, copyingand comparing structure variables, operations on individual members, array of structures, structures withinstructures, structures and functions, Unions, size of structures, bit fields, programming examples
Understanding pointers, accessing the address space of a variable, declaring and initialization pointer variables,accessing a variable through its pointer, chain of pointers, pointer expressions, pointers and arrays, pointer andcharacter strings, array of pointers, pointer as function arguments, functions returning pointers, pointers tofunctions, pointers and structures, programming examples
Defining and opening a file, closing a file, input/output operations on files, error handling during I/O operations,random access files, command line arguments, programming examples.
Dynamic memory allocation, allocating a block of memory: malloc, allocating multiple blocks of memory:calloc, releasing the used space: Free, altering the size of a block: realloc, programming examples
Introduction, macro substitution, files inclusion, compiler control directives, ANSI additions, programmingexercises.