10MCA16 C Programming Laboratory syllabus for MCA

Part A
Unit-1 0 hours

a. Write a program to find the area of a triangle (Given the three sides).b. Write a program to find the area of a circle (Given the radius).

Unit-2 0 hours

Write a program to find the Simple interest, given the principle, time and rate of interest withappropriate validations.

Unit-3 0 hours

Write a program to find out whether a given year is a leap year or not.

Unit-4 0 hours

Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation with appropriate error messages.

Unit-5 0 hours

Write a program to display the following files of current directory.i) .EXE filesii) .BAT filesiii) .OBJ filesiv) .BAK files.By using system DOS command.

Unit-6 0 hours

Write a program to find GCD and LCM of given two numbers.

Unit-7 0 hours

Write a program to find the value of Sin (x) using the series.Sin (x) = x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + ................

Unit-8 0 hours

Write a program to print all prime numbers between m and n.

Unit-9 0 hours

Write a program to reverse a number and check whether it is palindrome or Not.

Unit-10 0 hours

Write a program to generate and print first n Fibonacci numbers using function.

Unit-11 0 hours

Write a program to find a factorial of a given number using recursive function.

Unit-12 0 hours

Write a program to convert UPPERCASE alphabets to LOWERCASE alphabets in a given string andvice-versa.

Unit-13 0 hours

Write a program to read two strings and concatenate them (without using library functions).

Unit-14 0 hours

Write a program to read a sentence and count the number of vowels and constants.

Part B
Unit-1 0 hours

Write a program to read N integers (zero, + ve and –ve) into an array and find sum of positive numbers, sum of negative numbers and average of all input numbers.

Unit-2 0 hours

Write a program to input N real numbers and to find the mean, variance and standardwhere,deviation,Mean = xi / N (xi – mean)2Variance = ---------------- NDeviation = variance and 0  i < n

Unit-3 0 hours

Write a program to input N numbers (integers or real) and store them in an array. Conduct a Linearsearch for a given key number and report success or failure in the form of a suitable message.

Unit-4 0 hours

Write a program to sort N numbers in ascending or descending order using bubble sort.

Unit-5 0 hours

Write a program to accept N numbers sorted in ascending order and search for a given number usingbinary search. Report success or failure in the form of suitable messages.

Unit-6 0 hours

Write a program to read two matrices A and B of size M x N and perform product of two givenmatrices.

Unit-7 0 hours

Write a program to list the names of students who have scored more than 60% of total marks in threesubjects using structure variables.

Unit-8 0 hours

Write a program to compute the sum of two complex numbers – passing a structure to a function.

Unit-9 0 hours

Define a book structure having title of the book, ISBN, author, price and month and year ofpublication as its members. Use a substructure to store the month and year of Publication information.Develop a program to accept a date (in the form of monthand year) and list out all the book titles (along with price and ISBN) published during that date.

Unit-10 0 hours

Define a student structure having the name, USN (university seat number), marks in five subjects,total and percentage of marks as its members. Marks of all the subjects are to be stored in an array.Develop a program to list the names of all the students who have failed.

Unit-11 0 hours

Write a program to read N integers and store them in an array, find the sum of all these elements usingpointer. Output the given array and the computed sum with suitable heading.

Unit-12 0 hours

Write a program to read and write to a file.

Unit-13 0 hours

Write a program to Create and count number of characters in a file.

Unit-14 0 hours

Write a program to handle files with mixed data type.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023