10MCA21 Business Data Processing with COBOL syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 The Basics 12 hours

An introduction to structured program design in COBOL: The nature of COBOL, A history of COBOL and theirANS versions.The Identification and Environment Divisions: Basic Structure of a COBOL program, coding requirements ofthe Identification Division, the Sections of the Environment Division, Assigning files to Devices in theEnvironment Division.The Data division: Forming data-names, the file section of the data division, Types of data, the working-storagesection of the data division.Coding complete COBOL programs: The format of the procedure division, Statements typically coded in themain module of batch programs, Statement typically coded in fully interactive programs, Statement typicallycoded for processing batch files.

Unit-2 Designing Structured programs 17 hours

Moving data, Printing information and displaying output interactively: The instruction formats of the MOVE statements, Numeric MOVE, Non-numeric or Alphanumeric numeric MOVE , Other options of the MOVEstatements, producing printed output and screen displays, Displaying output interactively using screen input andoutput, Discussion of an interactive solution to programming assignments.Computing in COBOL: The basic arithmetic verbs, options available with arithmetic verbs, the computestatements, Use of signed numbers in arithmetic operations, intrinsic functions Decision making using the IF and EVALUATE statements: Selection using a simple IF statement, selection using other options of the IF statements, using IF statements to determine leap years, Condition names, EVALUATE statements. Iteration: the simple PERFORM revived, Iteration using other types of PERFORM, Using nested PERFORM VARYING statements, The PERFORM WITH TEST OPTION

Unit-3 Writing High Level COBOL Programs 8 hours

Array processing and Table handling, An introduction to Single level OCCURS CLAUSES, Processing datastored in an array, Using an OCCURS Clauses for table handling use of the Search Statements for Table andarray processing. The Search with VARYING option, the SEARCH ALL statements, Multiple-Level OCCURSClause

Unit-4 File Maintenance 12 hours

Sequential file processing: Systems overview of sequential file processing, Sequential file updating-Creatingnew master file using a previous master file and transaction file, Validity checking in update procedures, Updateprocedures with multiple transaction records for each master record, The balanced line algorithm for sequentialfile updating, Sequential File updating-reviewing records on disk, The REWRITE statement for a disk fileopened as I-O, Using an activity status field for designing records to be deleted,The EXTEND option for adding records to the end of a sequential file, File management tips, Matching files forchecking purposes, Interactive updating of a sequential file.Sorting and Merging: The SORT Feature an Overview, Processing data before AND/OR after Sorting, theMERGE statementIndexed and relative file processing : Systems consideration for organizing disk files, Features of MagneticDisks and Disk Drives, Processing Indexed disk Files ,Additional Options for Indexed file processing,Processing Relative Disks Files, Converting a key filed to a relative key .

Unit-5 Advanced Topics 3 hours

Improving program productivity using the COPY, CALL and other statements: COPY statement, CALLstatement, Text Manipulation with the STRING and UNSTRING statements.The Report Writer Module: The benefits of report writer module, the report section in the data division,Procedure Division statements.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023