Given that an EMPLOYEE class contains the following members:a. Data Members:Employee_Number, Employee_Name, Basic, DA, IT, Net_Salb. Member Functions: to read data, to calculate Net_Sal and to print data members
Write a C++ program to read data on N employees and compute the Net_Sal of each employee(DA =52% of Basic and Income Tax = 30% of the gross salary)
Define a STUDENT class with USN, Name, and Marks in 3 tests of a subject. Declare an array of 10STUDENT objects. Using appropriate functions, find the average of the two better marks for each student.Print the USN, Name and the average marks of all the students.
Write a C++ program to create a class called COMPLEX and implement the following overloadingfunctions ADD that return a complex number:a. ADD(a, s2) – where „a‟ is an integer (real part) and s2 is a complex numberb. ADD(s1, s2) – where s1 and s2 are complex numbers
Write a C++ program to create a class called LIST (linked list) with member functions to insert an elementat the front as well as to delete an element from the front of the list. Demonstrate all the functions aftercreating a list object.
Write a C++ program to create a template function for Quicksort and demonstrate sorting of integers anddoubles.
Write a C++ program to create a class called STACK using an array of integers. Implement the followingoperations by overloading the operators „+‟ and „-„: a. s1 = s1 + element; where s1 is an object of the class STACK and element is an integer to be pushed on the top of the stack b. s1 = s1- ; where s1 is an object of the class STACK. „-„ operator pops the element. Handle the STACK empty and full conditions. Also display the contents of the stack after each operation, by overloading the << operator.
Write a C++ program to create a class called DATE. Accept two valid dates in the form dd/mm/yy.Implement the following operations by overloading the operators „+‟ and „-„. After every operation display the results by overloading the operator <<. a. no_of_days = d1 – d2; where d1 and d2 are DATE objects, and no_of_days is an integer b. d2 = d1 + no_of_days; where d1 is a DATE object and no_of_days is an integer
Create a class called MATRIX using two-dimensional array of integers. Implement the followingoperations by overloading the operator ++ which checks the compatibility of two matrices to be added andsubtracted. Perform the addition and subtraction by overloading the + and – operators respectively. Display the results by overloading the operator <<. If (m1==m2) then m3 = m1+m2 and m4 = m1-m2 else display error.
Write a C++ program to create a class called OCTAL which has the characteristics of an octal number.Implement the following operations by writing an appropriate constructor and an overloaded operator +.a. OCTAL h = x; where x is an integer.b. int y = h + k; where h is an OCTAL object and k is an integerDisplay the OCTAL result by overloading the operator << . Also display the values of h and y.
Write a C++ program to create a class called QUEUE with member functions to add an element and todelete an element from the queue. Using the member functions, implement a queue of integers and double.Demonstrate the operations by displaying the contents of the queue after every operation.
Write a C++ program to create a class called DLIST (doubly Linked List) with member functions to insert anode at a specified position and delete a node from a specified position of the list. Demonstrate theoperations by displaying the content of the list after every operation.
Write a C++ program to create a class called STUDENT with data members USN, Name and Age. Usinginheritance, create the classes UGSTUDENT and PGSTUDENT having fields as Semester, Fees andStipend. Enter the data for at least 5 students. Find the semester-wise average age for all UG and PGstudents separately.
Write a C++ program to create a class called STRING and implement the following operations. Display theresults after every operation by overloading the operator <<.a. STRING s1 = “VTU”b. STRING s2 = “BELGAUM”c. STRING s3 = s1 + s2 (Use copy constructor)
Write a C++ program to create a class called BIN_TREE (Binary Tree) with member functions to performin-order, preorder and post-order traversals. Create a BIN_TREE object and demonstrate the traversals.
Write a C++ program to create a class called EXPRESSION. Using appropriate member functions convert agiven valid Infix expression into postfix form. Display the infix and postfix expressions.