13MCA16 C Programming Laboratory syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 C Programming Lab 1 0 hours

a. Convert degrees into Fahrenheit and vice versab. Calculate the salary of an employee given his basic pay, HRA = 10% of basic pay, TA=5% of his basic pay and deductions IT = 2.5% of his basic pay

Unit-2 C Programming Lab 2 0 hours

a. Check whether the given number is perfect number Defn: A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself.Example - The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positivedivisors, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.b.Solve quadratic equations for the given values of a,b,c.

Unit-3 C Programming Lab 3 0 hours

a.Generate all Amstrong numbers upto n.Defn: An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of thecubes of its digits is equal to the number itself.Example - 371 is an Armstrong number, since 3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371.b.Convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number.

Unit-4 C Programming Lab 4 0 hours

Write a menu driven C program toa. Insert an element into an arrayb. Delete an element from the array (first occurrence)

Unit-5 C Programming Lab 5 0 hours

Write a Menu Driven C Program toa. Accept a string from the userb. Encode the string.c. Decode the stringApply the following procedure to encode it.1. Convert each character in a string to its ASCI value.2. Add an integer value to it and display the encoded string3. Decode the string using reverse procedure and display.

Unit-6 C Programming Lab 6 0 hours

Write a C program to multiply two matrices that satisfy the constraint of matrixmultiplication

Unit-7 C Programming Lab 7 0 hours

Write a C program to find the saddle point of a matrix.Defn: Given a RxC Matrix, A, i.e. R rows and C columns we define a Saddle-Point asSaddle_Pt (A) for a row I and column j is that A(i,j) that is the minimum of Row i andthe maximum of Col j.

Unit-8 C Programming Lab 8 0 hours

Write a C program to implement a magic square of size n.Defn: A magic square is an arrangement of numbers (usually integers) in a square grid,where the numbers in each row, and in each column, and the numbers that run diagonallyin both directions, all add up to the same number.

Unit-9 C Programming Lab 9 0 hours

Write a Menu driven C program toa. Accept two numbers n and mb. Sum of all integers ranging from n to mc. Sum of all odd integers ranging from n to md. Sum of all even integers ranging from n to mDisplay an error message if n > m. Create functions for each of the options

Unit-10 C Programming Lab 10 0 hours

Write a Menu Driven C Program to implement the following using recursiona. Factorial of a numberb. Fibonacci series

Unit-11 C Programming Lab 11 0 hours

Create a structure Complex Number having real and imaginary part as properties. Writefunctions to add and subtract the two complex numbers.

Unit-12 C Programming Lab 12 0 hours

Define a structure called student having the properties of student_id, student name andbranch of the student with a sub structure of marks of 3 subjects. Write a Menu Driven CProgram toa. Add new student detailb. Delete a student detailc. Display all student detailsd. Display the name of the student with the best marke. Display the name of the student with the worst markf. Display the average marks scored by the students

Unit-13 C Programming Lab 13 0 hours

a.Write a C Program to remove all white spaces and newline characters from a file.b.Find whether a given word exists in the file. If it exists display the location of theword

Unit-14 C Programming Lab 14 0 hours

Write a C program to copy one file content to another file without using inbuilt functions.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023