13MCA26 Data Structures Using C Lab syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Write a C program to 42 hours

1. Convert a prefix notation to postfix notation.

2. Evaluate a given postfix expression and its values for the variables.

3. Simulate the working of circular queue providing the following operations–Insert,Delete and Display.

4. Demonstrate recursion

a. Calculate GCD and LCM of 3 integer numbers
b. Solve Towers of Hanoi Problem
c. Calculate the sum for a given number ‘n’ from 1 to n.

5. Simulate the working of a linked list providing the following operations
a. Insert at the beginning
b. Insert at the end
c. Insert before a given element
d. Insert at the position
e. Display

6. Simulate the working of a circular linked list providing the followingoperations
a. Delete from the beginning
b. Delete from the end
c. Delete a given element
d. Delete every alternate element
e. Display
Insert is mandatory.

7. Simulate the working of a dequeue.

8. Simulate the working of a double linked list to implement stack and queue.

9. Create a binary tree and implement the tree traversal techniques of inorder, preorderand postorder.

10. Implement quick sort.

11. Implement Heap sort.

12. Implement the search techniques of
a. Linear Search
b. Binary Search

13 Write a Program to
a) Create AVL Tree
b) Insert element to AVL tree
c) Find the height of the AVL tree

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023