13MCA354 Operations Research syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Introduction and Overview of the OR Modeling Approach 3 hours

The origin of OR, the nature of OR, the impact of OR, defining the problem and gatheringdata, Formulating a mathematical model, deriving solutions from the model, testing themodel, preparing to apply the model, implementation .

Unit-2 Introduction to Linear Programming 6 hours

Formulation of linear programming problem (LPP), examples, Graphical solution, the LPModel, Special cases of Graphical method, assumptions of Linear Programming (LP),additional example

Unit-3 Solving LPP - the Simplex Method 14 hours

The essence of the simplex method, setting up the simplex method, algebra of thesimplex method, the simplex method in tabular form, special cases in the simplex method, tiebreaking in the simplex method, adopting to other model forms (Two Phase method, Big-Mmethod), post optimality analysis.

Unit-4 Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis 9 hours

The essence of duality theory, economic interpretation of duality, primal dualrelationship, adapting to other primal forms, the role of duality in sensitive analysis, the dualsimplex method

Unit-5 Transportation and Assignment Problems 8 hours

The transportation problem, a stream line simplex method for the transportation problem,the assignment problem, a special algorithm for the assignment problem

Unit-6 PERT and CPM 6 hours

Network representation, Critical path (CPM) computations and PERT networks

Unit-7 Game Theory 6 hours

The formulation of two persons, zero sum games, solving simple games- a prototypeexample, games with mixed strategies, graphical solution procedure, solving by linearprogramming, extensions

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023