Origins and uses of Perl, Scalars and their operations, Assignment statements and simpleinput and output, Control statements, Fundamentals of arrays, Hashes, References,Functions, Pattern matching, File input and output; Examples.
What is CGI? Developing CGI Applications, Processing CGI, Introduction to, methods, Creating HTML P a g e s D y n a m i c a l l y , U s i n g C G I . pm – A nE x a mp l e , A d d i n g Robustness, Carp, Cookies
Uploading files, Tracking users with Hidden Data, Using Relational Databases, using libwww,
Origins and uses of PHP, Overview of PHP, General syntactic characteristics,Primitives, operations and expressions, Output, Control statements, Arrays, Functions,Pattern matching, Form handling, Files
Tracking users, cookies, sessions, Using Databases, Handling XML
Origins and uses of Ruby, Scalar types and their operations, Simple input and output,Control statements, Arrays, Hashes, Methods, Classes, Code blocks and iterators, Patternmatching.
Overview of Rails, Document requests, Processing forms, Rails applications withDatabases, Layouts.
What is Web 2.0?, Folksonomies and Web 2.0, Software As a Service (SaaS), Data andWeb 2.0, Convergence, Iterative development, Rich User experience, Multiple DeliveryChannels, Social Networking.
Web Services: SOAP, RPC Style SOAP, Document style SOAP, WSDL, RESTservices, JSON format, What is JSON?, Array literals, Object literals, Mixing literals,JSON 0053yntax, JSON Encoding and Decoding, JSON versus XML.