13MCA452 Network Management syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Requirements for the Management of Networked Systems 5 hours

Management Scenarios, Management functions, Organizational aspects of Management,Time aspects of Management

Unit-2 IP Network Management 7 hours

Choosing to manage the network, Choosing a configuration method, Managementinformation Base, Simple Network Management Protocol, Extensible markup Language,Common Object Request Broker Architecture.

Unit-3 IP-Based Service Implementation and Network Management 8 hours

Simple Network Management Protocol, Ip- Based Service Implementation-OSS,Provisioning Issues, Network Management Issues, OSS Architecture

Unit-4 Network Management Architecture 6 hours

Background, Defining Network Management, Network Management Mechanisms,Architectural Considerations.

Unit-5 SLA and Network Monitoring 5 hours

Passive and Ac t i v e Ne two r k Mo n i t o r i n g , P a s s i v e Ne two r k Mo n i t o r i n g ,Ac t i v e Ne two r k Monitoring.

Unit-6 MPLS Network Management: AN Introduction 5 hours

A b r i e f Introduction t o MP L S , MPLS Applications, Key A s p e c t s of MPLSNetwork Management, Management Information Base Modules for MPLS.

Unit-7 MPLS Management Interfaces 5 hours

The basics of Management Interfaces, Command line interface, CORBA, XML, BulkFile Transfer, Simple Network Management Protocol

Unit-8 Optical Networks: Control and Management 5 hours

Network Management functions, Optical Layer Services and Interfacing, Layers withinthe Optical Layer, Multivendor Interoperability, Performance and Fault Management,Configuration

Unit-9 Web-Based Management 6 hours

NMS with Web Interface and Web- Based Management Web Interface to SNMPManagement, Embedded Web- Based Management, Desktop management interface, Web-Based Enterprise Management, WBEM: Windows Management Instrumentation, Javamanagement Extensions, Management of a Storage Area Network: Future Directions.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023