Management Scenarios, Management functions, Organizational aspects of Management,Time aspects of Management
Choosing to manage the network, Choosing a configuration method, Managementinformation Base, Simple Network Management Protocol, Extensible markup Language,Common Object Request Broker Architecture.
Simple Network Management Protocol, Ip- Based Service Implementation-OSS,Provisioning Issues, Network Management Issues, OSS Architecture
Background, Defining Network Management, Network Management Mechanisms,Architectural Considerations.
Passive and Ac t i v e Ne two r k Mo n i t o r i n g , P a s s i v e Ne two r k Mo n i t o r i n g ,Ac t i v e Ne two r k Monitoring.
A b r i e f Introduction t o MP L S , MPLS Applications, Key A s p e c t s of MPLSNetwork Management, Management Information Base Modules for MPLS.
The basics of Management Interfaces, Command line interface, CORBA, XML, BulkFile Transfer, Simple Network Management Protocol
Network Management functions, Optical Layer Services and Interfacing, Layers withinthe Optical Layer, Multivendor Interoperability, Performance and Fault Management,Configuration
NMS with Web Interface and Web- Based Management Web Interface to SNMPManagement, Embedded Web- Based Management, Desktop management interface, Web-Based Enterprise Management, WBEM: Windows Management Instrumentation, Javamanagement Extensions, Management of a Storage Area Network: Future Directions.