13MCA545 Services Oriented Architecture syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Introduction to SOA, Evolution of SOA 6 hours

Fundamentals of SOA, Common characteristics of contemporary SOA, Commontangible benefits of SOA, A SOA timeline (from XML to Web Services to SOA), Thecontinuing evolution of SOA (standards organizations and Contributing vendors), Theroots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past Architectures)

Unit-2 Web Services and Primitives of SOA 6 hours

The Web Services framework, Services (as Web Services), Service Description (withWSDL), Messaging (with SOAP)

Unit-3 Web Services and Contemporary SOA 12 hours

Message Exchange patterns, Service Activity; Coordination, Atomic Transactions,Business Activities, Orchestration, Choreography, Addressing, Reliable Messaging,Correlation, Policies, Meta data Exchange, Security, Notification and eventing.

Unit-4 Principles of Service – Orientation 7 hours

Services- Orientation and the enterprise, Anatomy of service-oriented Architecture,Common Principles of Service Orientation; How Service Orientation principles interrelate, Service Orientation and object orientation, Native Web Service support for serviceorientation principles.

Unit-5 Service Layers 6 hours

Service Orientation and contemporary SOA, Service Layer Abstraction, Applicationservice layer, Business Service Layer, Orchestration Service Layer, Agnostic Services,Service Layer Configuration scenarios.

Unit-6 Business Process Design 7 hours

WS-BPEL Language basics, WS-Coordination overview, Service oriented businessprocess redesign, WS-Addressing language basics, Ws-Reliable messaging language basics

Unit-7 Enterprise Applications 8 hours

Learning Objectives, Architectural Considerations, Solution Architecture forEnterprise Applications, Solution Architecture for Enterprise Applications based onSOA, Software Platforms for Enterprise Applications.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023