Scalable Computing Service over the Internet: The Age of Internet Computing,scalable computing Trends and New Paradigms, Internet of Things and Cyber-PhysicalSystems. System Models for Di st r ibuted and Cloud Computing: Clusters ofCooperat ive Compu t e r s , Gr id Computing Infrastructures, Peer-to-Peer NetworkFamilies, Cloud Computing over the Internet. Software Environments for DistributedSystems and Clouds: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Trends towards DistributedOperating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Programming Models. Performance, Security, andEnergy-Efficiency: Performance Metrics and Scalability Analysis, Fault-Tolerance andSystem Availability, Network Threats and Data Integrity,Energy-Efficiency in Distributed Computing.
Clustering for massive parallelism: Cluster Development Trends, Design Objective ofComputer Clusters, Fundamental Cluster Design issues. Virtual machines and Virtualizationof clusters and Data centers: Implementation levels of virtualization: levels of virtualizationImplementation, VMM Design requirements and providers, Virtualization support at the OSlevel, Middleware Support for Virtualization.
Cloud computing and Service Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds, Cloud Ecosystemand Enabling Technologies, Infrastructure-as- a- Service (IaaS), Platform- and Software-as-a-Service (Paas, SaaS). Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds: A Generic Cloudarchitecture Design, Layered Cloud Architectural development, Virtualization Support andDisaster Recovery, Architectural Design Challenges.
GAE, AWS, and Azure: Smart Cloud, Public Clouds and Service Offerings, Google AppEngine (GAE), Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Windows Azure. Inter-cloudResource Management: Extended Cloud Computing Services, Resource Provisioning andPlatform Deployment, Virtual Machine Creation and Management. Cloud Security and Trustmanagement: Cloud Security Defense Strategies, Distributed Intrusion/Anomaly Detection,Data and Software Protection Techniques.
Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms: Cloud Capabilities and Platform Features,Traditional Features Common to Grids and Clouds, Data Features and Databases,Programming and Runtime Support. Parallel and Distributed Programming Paradigms:Parallel Computing and Programming Paradigms, MapReduce, Twister and IterativeMapReduce, Hadoop Library from Apache.
Programming the Google App Engine, Google File System (GFS), Bigtable, Google’sNOSQL system, Chubby, Google’s Distributed Lock service. Programming on AmazonAWS and Microsoft Azure: Programming on Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple Storage ServiceS3, Amazon Elastic Block Store EBS and SimpleDB, Microsoft Azure programmingsupport. Emerging Cloud Software Environments: Open Source Eucalyptus and Nimbus, OpenNebula, Sector/Sphere, and OpenStack, Manjrasoft Aneka Cloud and Appliances.
Performance of Distributed Systems and the Cloud Data-intensive Scalable Computing(DISC), Quality of Service in Cloud computing, Benchmarking MPI, Azure, EC2,MapReduce, and Hadoop. Online social and Professional Networking: Online SocialNetwork Characteristics, Graph-Theoretic An a l y s i s o f S o c i a l networks,C ommu n i t i e s a n d Ap p l i c a t i o n s o f S o c i a l Networks, Facebook: The World’sLargest Content-Sharing Network, Twitter for Micro blogging, News and AlertServices.